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"Ew! they're kissing again!" Enid's son Eindhoven said from the hidden spot that he and Friday were watching from.

"If you say another word, I am going to pummel you into roadkill." Friday threatened the only person she had in this goddamned place.

"Pfftttt, as if you could. I have claws remember? I'll fight you." He dared, but was silenced once he saw the glare she gave him.

Friday intently saw her parents, more importantly her father.

When she saw him enter with a cigarette she was immediately filled with hatred, he looked like he did not care, either for her or her mom and evidently his lungs neither.

But as she saw their conversation deepen, she saw the bond they shared. She saw how little time it took for them to rekindle their relationship. And she felt jealous? No that's not the right word, maybe Envy would be the one. She wanted her father to hold her like that, to bring her comfort when she was at her worst, give her advice on the ups and lows of life.

That's what she felt, and the only one closest to her that she could take it out on was standing besides her.

"F-Friday!?" He screamed as she heaved him using his ear and took him somewhere to take out her frustrations on.


They were currently sat in a giant breakfast table, filled with their friends from years past.

Wednesday and (Y/N) were smack dab in the middle of the conversation, even though they themselves weren't a part of it.

The whole table was going wild at how soon they had reconciled, especially Enid who was once again back in the 15 year old girl that Wednesday had as a roommate.

"Just like that? I was hoping that you would two would put aside your differences sooner or later but this easily?" Bianca questioned, She had grown taller since (Y/N) had last seen her, which was longer than all their other friends. She had also let her hair grow longer, styling them into dreadlocks.

"Duh... I don't know what the fuss regarding you two is, it ain't like you guys weren't banging each other left right and center even after the divorce." Ajax laughed, getting glares from both (Y/N) and Wednesday. Ajax wasn't looking much different from before, just the shadow of a beard had found itself occupying his face... well it wasn't exactly what one could call a beard, At the very least he was trying.

"...Alright guys, can we calm down?" (Y/N) asked the group, but he was ignored as they all kept asking Wednesday regarding how it happened.

(Y/N) noticed how easily they were all conversing with one another, even Wednesday in her nonchalance was fitting right in.

10 years was a long time to be gone from someone's life. He knew it, when he pushed away his family, he also pushed away his connections, the friendships he made from so long back.

Yoko was the only one who visited him once a year or two, since they were both vampires. It was natural for them to do so, but (Y/N) had not informed Wednesday of this and would hope that she doesn't take it the wrong way when he does.

"Yo guys, I think we should let them BOTH tell it when they are comfortable." Yoko said, bringing attention to the fact that they were not really involving (Y/N).

"Oh- Yes, definitely..." Bianca stuttered upon seeing (Y/N) who as usual had a stoic face, holding Wednesday's hand in his own, they really do look like two corpses who decided to up and marry each other, though curiously at least (Y/N) had some color in his face unlike Wednesday.

"Wait so when are you guys getting remarried!?" Enid brought the room to a hold. Bianca, Yoko and Eugene winced.

"Uh... Enid, I don't think this is the best time." Bianca moved to make her sit down.

"Nonsense, I know them well enough that they are probably thinkin about where to go for the honeymoon." Enid winked at the two of them, which was met by Wednesday's cold glare.

"If you must know Enid, We are going to get remarried once (Y/N) irons out the situation with Friday, which might take two months, two years or even never." She bluntly stated, (Y/N) looked at her and gave her a thumbs up from the hand he wasn't holding her own with.

"Whatttt? (Y/N) is gonna do it in 10 minutes using his natural suave and charm." Eugene joked earning a glare from both (Y/N) and Wednesday, something you did not want to be at the end of.

A.N: As you might've noticed, Friday and Eindhoven have interesting etymology, Friday is obviously from the same nursery rhyme Wednesday got her name from while Eindhoven's is a bit more involved. Eindhoven's father's name is Ajax, and it is also the name of a football club that plays in the Eredivisie, the Dutch football league. The second most well known club of the Eredivisie is PSV Eindhoven, So I took the name of the place from it. It is also interesting that It is kinda a half anagram for Enid's name too.

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