Le Epic Showdown

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Eindhoven grasped his shoulder, Jeriah had just flung him across the dank room with zero effort, He clutched his abdomen as a surge of pain hit it.

"Fuck!" He cried out when he felt the inner beast lashing out, all the training his master would be for naught if he couldn't control the monster.

"Eindy! Calm down, Please, I- We... can't afford to lose you!" Friday struggled fruitlessly against her chains, whatever they were, they were a powerful enchantment. 

"Fr-FriDAY!?" His cry turned more the monstrous as he sweat in despair, The animal threatened to burst out in a blaze of glory.

"Eindy focus! Remember what dad said, 'Nirvana.' Repeat after me Eindy, Nirvana." Friday tried to calm down the boy who to his credit seemed to remember his teachings.

"NiRVAn-" Eindy calmed down only to be punched in the stomach and thrown across the room again, crashing into the wall.

"Can we get this over with? I want to fight (Y/N) (L/N), not his angsty son-in-law." Jeriah yawned? through his maw. It was difficult to decipher what he did.

"W-What!? Eindy is not my husband!" Friday pouted but a hint of a blush found its way onto her cheeks. "Hmph!"

A deep guttural growl interrupted the odd pair.

"Ah. You have some fight left in you." Jeriah saw the kid... no the monster that slowly arose from a prone position. Eventually towering even over him. "My my, That is some ugly form you have there."

It was true. Eindy was barely something that could be called a human or even a outcast anymore. Whilst Enid's and other werewolves beast form would at least some visage of their human face left, There was nothing to even identify this thing as anything other than a monster.

"Eindy please! We can't have you going berserk at this stage." The reply she got was a giant hand crashing down at her. She dodged just in time to avoid it but two red hate filled eyes struck fear in her heart.

"Now that's just rude... Eindhoven was it? What a pretentious name..." This time it was Jeriah's turn to be launched at. The hulking arms of the giant beetle man stopped the anger driven claws of the beast. Though Jeriah was surprised by the sheer amount of power that the kid seemed to have gained, seeing as the marble flooring beneath them had cracked.

Jeriah couldn't react in time to the massive punch that came from the free hand of the beast. In a flash of brilliance, Jeriah was launched straight through the old doors of the room, destroying them in the process.

"I did not expect that. Hm, goes to show even the wise can folly." Jeriah chuckled to himself and dodged out of the way of Eindy who too traveled with him. "Enough playing around."

Jeriah twisted the outstretched hand of Eindy and threw him away with great force, the air surrounding them reacting in a violent manner, and the wall he landed on reacting in an even more violent manner.

"You like throwing kids in your free time?" Jeriah heard a chilly voice behind him. He turned his head around to see his nemesis in all his glory. There was also a small woman besides him but he didn't care about anyone else but (Y/N).

"Ah old friend. How weird to run into you at this moment of time." Jeriah fully turned around to face the two 'visitors'.

"Are we friends?" (Y/N) was just as calm as Jeriah, their conversation betraying the tension brewing underneath the surface. "Where is my daughter then, friend?"

Wednesday glared at the beetle faced monstrosity before her, when she had heard of Jeriah and his men, she thought it would be something like Crackstone. But he was just as much of an outcast as them, if not more.

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