Goodbye, For The Time

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"Mr. (L/N), Can I ta-talk to you for a second?" Eindhoven asked, standing up with the assistance of Friday.

"Get rid of the stutter and we can." (Y/N) did not look at the kid, instead checking to see if he had left anything behind.

Their car was waiting near the entrance, apparently Lurch even worked for Wednesday, how he managed being in two states at the same time was an Addam's family mystery.

"L-Let me try again sir..." (Y/N) raised his eyebrow at the boy, he knew the kid did not have a natural stutter but was just scared of him.

"Sir, Can I please have a moment of your time?" Eindhoven asked bowing slightly, making Friday feel for her boyfriend.

"If you put it that way, then yes, let us have a talk, though it cannot be for long considering the car is already at the ready." (Y/N) said. It was a weird notion but (Y/N) was slowly warming up to this dolt of a boyfriend that his daughter had gotten.

"I know you are going to train me and Friday, sir."

"I assume Friday told you." To which the daughter nodded, not wanting to butt in on this conversation. "Well good, at least you aren't deaf."

"S-Sir, I guess I just wanna know like... why?" He blurted out, Friday looked on with concern.

"Dad... please be kind." Friday urged her father with a worried expression planted on her face, she was worried that her father might say something that could hurt him psychologically. Eindhoven could take physical damage any day of the week and he did when he was with Friday but he was fragile emotionally.

(Y/N) sighed before moving to face the duo, "Look kid, I wouldn't say this to a stranger, but I want to help because I see me in you... in a very small capacity, but yes, I do see myself in you."

Friday was shocked to hear father be so open to someone other than Wednesday, but she couldn't say she didn't like it, especially since he was being open with her boyfriend.

"You think I'm like you sir?" Eindhoven couldn't believe his ears, he was getting approval from his girlfriend's father. This was like heaven to him.

"No. I said..." (Y/N) shook his head not wanting to repeat himself, "I will train you and you will definitely not enjoy it." (Y/N) smirked before going back to checking his stuff.

His phone rang then breaking the conversation. He handed the phone to Friday who checked to see the contact name was simply Wednesday.

"You guys literally just have the name as your contact info? are you sure you were born in the internet age?" Friday chuckled at seeing (Y/N)'s annoyed expression.

"Pick it up." (Y/N) groaned going into the bathroom to get his toothbrush.

Doing as asked, Friday picked the phone up.

"(Y/N), this is Wednesday." Her mother said on the other end.

"It literally says it so on the screen when you call, mother." Friday laughed upon hearing the subtle groan from the other end.

"It is called being polite, but I assume you were asleep during our lessons." Wednesday said, "Where is your father? Did you kill him and take his phone to disrupt evidence?"

"No? he's in the bathroom...." Friday said, looking on as (Y/N) exited the bathroom with an assortment of toiletries in his hands, "Oh look, he's out now."

"Help me put this in the suitcase, quickly now." (Y/N) ordered Eindhoven who limped over to her father as quickly as he could. Friday did the wise thing to do and put her mother on speaker.

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