♤ 2/13/2023 ♤

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Bet you didn't expect to see me again, did you? Or, I guess, hear from me in this case. If you looked at my YouTube channel, you already knew long ago that I had left the Mythical Community.

This does not mean that I am no longer a Mythical at all -- that will always be a part of my identity. But I no longer interact with other Mythicals online, preferring to stay within my own friend group.

I am currently a Junior in high school, and I am growing as a person. I am not the same person that I was when I started my Alice Voltaire Journals, nor am I the same person that I was when I stopped. That is completely okay, and I am proud that I have come this far.

I am creating this as a separate book, because there is much to update and discuss. There will only be this one chapter, but I will have headers detailing each topic.


I removed it. Knowing myself at the time, the information is most likely not correct. I don't know if I'll ever post a revised version.


My Mythical Wikia, for reasons unknown to even myself, has been deleted. Luckily, I still have a lot of the old scripts, but I am unsure whether or not I will post them as a book on here. I also am tempted to update it, as there may be misinformation on there. It's been so long since I wrote it, I honestly have no idea.


I am aware of this. The server shut down some time ago; it was mostly dead. If I ever do become active in the Mythical Community again, I will not be reviving this server.


None. Unless you consider me being a student in school my profession. My one job I ever have had so far was in the MPA, which I consider a cult. I have severe trauma from working there, and have cut off contact with all of my co-workers.

In fact, I was never really a "hacker". It was what the MPA told me I was, and I ran with it. To this day, I still feel like a fraud.


Yes, I am still a Mythical. However, I more strongly associate with my Fox Spirit form, than I do with my Nekomimi form.

I believe when I wrote journal entries, I referred to myself as a Kitsune. When I first began trying to obtain a Kitsune form, I referred to myself as a Kitsunemimi, which is not correct. Kitsunemimi are Kemonomimi with the ears and tail of a fox, while Kitsune are Japanese fox spirits, that are typically immortal or live much longer than a mortal fox. Nowadays, I usually use the term Fox Spirits, since it is a general, all encompassing term for my identity.

I also discovered that most of my Mythical identities that I was struggling with were otherkin/therian identities. Forms like my Dollkin and Mermaid forms I have flushed, and I am in the process of flushing my Nekomimi form as well, in favor of just being a Cat Shapeshifter.

Flushing is when one uses a Flushing subliminal to erase a Physical form a Mythical might take on. I am mostly doing this because all of my forms took a physical toll on me -- it was too much for my body to manage, and I would frequently get sick.

I still have my Magical Girl, Cat Shapeshifter, and Fox Spirit forms, as well as a Swan Avian form I worked towards to alleviate my Wingkin disphoria, and an Alicorn Kemonomimi form I am working on. But as I previously stated, other forms of mine I have flushed.

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