Walter's Story

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Let's take a look at Walter's backstory, shall we~


Flashback to past Walter's (pov)

I have been living with the royal guard since I was small. I never knew my parents and had heard that they had died in a search boat to find the missing king and queen.

I was always fond of the two prince's they were always so KIND and PATIENT with their subjects and I admired them for it.

I thought of them as my brothers since we would always be together.

After years of being in the royal guard, I was moved to the undercover guards and climbed the ranks fast. I started helping them and acting as their butler.

They saw me as a loyal friend.

( 0o0) {Timeskip]

Walters (pov) At the battlefield

I found out that the two prince's were in the throne room. But when I got there, I saw what I had feared from the beginning. Both prince's were on the floor on opposite sides of the room with blood pooling off of them with fatal injuries and scratches all over them.

I quickly ran over to Lucky checking for his pulse . . . nothing, I then ran towards Dainin . . . also nothing.

They were both gone.

Both of my best friends were gone and dead in the room where they both once sat in harmony. 

Why did life have to be so cruel?

Why couldn't this have ended differently?

There are too many questions without any answers, it seems.

I started collecting their crowns and rushed back to the battlefield, but not before getting a flare. I light it on fire with my magic and it soured into the sky before letting a burst of color. As the people from both sides heard this they looked at the dog monster that lit it.

Walter: Humans and monsters I ask for your attention.

Random Human: Oh yeah what for!? To kill us!?

Walter: No. I have come to announce that the royal brothers have fallen. The cause of death? . . . themselves.

Gasps can be heard in the crowd as well as whispers

Walter: Because of this I ask for us to stop fighting and go home for the royal ritual.

With this said many of the crowd started to leave in silence. Tomorrow we will see the Note of Death that the brothers had left.

What is the Note of Death? 

The Note of Death is like a will but instead of handling property, it is something that is written to know who will lead the kingdom in their absence. The Note is usually checked every month by the heir or heirs to the thrown. 

~ Tomorrow will be a new day ~


I know it's not much but this would be important to know what will happen in the future.

Fun Fact: It might not seem like it Lucky is still in the same AU.

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