All hail Percy, the Housewarden of Ramshackle

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The secret to how Percy was such an exceptional trainer lies in her being a master strategist, a skill she picked up from her years on the streets of the lavender town. From an early age, Percy always had to think of four moves ahead to survive. That slime monster was hardly a challenge for her and her Pokemon, from what she could tell, it was somewhat sentient but not very smart, it was moving mostly upon instinct without thinking, and it didn't have any more weapons other than the giant pickaxe in its hand and its brute strength.

The only reason Percy didn't just send in Garchomp and free it from its pitiful existence right away was that they still needed the stone in one piece and besides this will be an important life lesson for her three new companions, they need to learn how to work with other people, teamwork makes the dream work as they say.

Her plan was simple, she and the boys were gonna lure the monster towards the entrance and out of the mines and stall it long enough for Sableye and Crobat to silently sneak into the mines, find the stone, and quietly get out, then either kill the monster or seal it inside by destroying the entrance with Garchomp and Noivern.

So here she was, standing in front of the Mine Entrance with her partner Mimikyu on her shoulder, Grim standing next to her, and Pumpkaboo floating around them.

"H-hey, monster!" Once they caught sight of the slimy creature, Pumpkaboo flashes her lights to get its attention and Grim yelled, "I'm, uh... I-I'm over here!"

As expected the thing acted upon instinct and started to dash towards them without thinking, "Grrraaawrrr! BEGOOOOONE!"

Grim jumped up to the female champion's unoccupied shoulder "He's comin' our way! Percy!"

And with that, she started running in the opposite direction, "Right over here, you slimy twat!" she yelled at the thing over her shoulder without slowing down to make sure that it was still chasing them.

"Grrurgh? Thieeef this way tooooo... Neeevvva giiive stones! Neeevvvaaa!" it was swinging its pickaxe around carelessly, striking and cracking the walls while it was at it, they needed to get it out of the mines quickly.

"Eep!" Grim yelped, "If it lands one of those hits, we're toast!"

"We just have to lure him as far away from the cave as we can," Percy replied while looking past her shoulder to see Crobat silently carrying Sableye inside as they finally got out of the mines with the slime monster on their tail. She kept running until they got it a good distance away from the mine where the boys were, "Your turn boys!"

"I got this! One extra-large gust of wind, comin' up!" Ace sent a strong gust of wind towards the thing as the two cut the monster's way back to the mine.

And following his lead Grim jumped down from Percy's shoulder and send out a whiff of fire, which when it combined with the gingers wind turned to a raging fire, "With a side of Grim's blazin'-hot fire! MYAAAH!"

This startled it and made it stumbled and stop on its track. "Grrraaahhh?!"

"How's that taste?!" Ace taunted it, "With my winds fanning them, even Grim's feeble flames can become an inferno!"

"Whaddaya mean 'feeble'?!" Grim snapped at him, "Ya really don't know how to shut yer mouth, do ya?"

"Now is our chance!" Percy interrupted them before they could start to fight again and turned to the blue-haired boy, "Deuce you're up!"

"Just stay calm, aim carefully..." he mumbled to himself to hype himself up, "And pull out the biggest, heaviest thing I can think of... Get 'em, cauldron!"

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