That's one weird looking Litten

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The last thing she remembered was looking into the two big red eyes of the angel of darkness itself, and now all she could see was darkness. Who is she? She is Persephone Remmington, the Pokemon Champion of Kanto and Johto, but you can call her just Percy for short. She was laying on something hard that much she could tell but the rest was pitch black, she was trying to feel her surroundings when she heard something. ‘What was that noise?

“I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me…” Percy heard someone say, “Urgggh… This lid weighs a ton! Try this on for size! Mya-ha!” And suddenly a flash of blue burned Percy’s eyes. ‘F-fire?!

“Now to grab the goods… what?! You ain’t supposed to be awake!” 

Now with the lid of whatever she was inside open, it took Percy’s eyes a bit to get used to the sudden light, and when they did what she saw didn’t help her confusion. She was in a room with f-floating coffins?! And the one who let her out was a talking… feline fire type?!

“What the bloody hell are you? How can you be talking?” She asked with a heavy British Accent.

“How… how DARE YOU! I’m Grim, sorcerer extraordinaire!” said the some form of blue Litten? “Tch. Whatever. You… human! Just gimme your uniform and be quick about it! ‘Cause if you don’t… you’re gonna regret it!” 

It suddenly used Will-O-Wisp, Percy let out a gasp and got out of its way at the last second by jumping out of the coffin she was in. And just she realized that she was in totally different clothes. She was now dressed in a fancy long black robes, but on the bright side, she still had her travel bag.

“Hey, come on! I’m on a tight schedule here!” It said and used Will-O-Wisp again, so Percy did what anyone would do when a wild Pokemon attack them, she ran.

She ran through a hallway and a garden passed a classroom and kept running till she reached a library. When she caught her breath, she tried to remember how she ended up there.

She had gone to the Distortion World with Cynthia to stop Cyrus, the leader of the Team Galactic before he destroyed their whole universe. After they defeated him, Giratina appeared out of nowhere, Percy battled it with all she and her Pokemon had, and She finally managed to Master ball it. But then the rock she was standing on crumbled, the Masterball dropped from her hand and she fall into one of the portals with Mimikyu and- MIMIKYU!!

Percy’s hand instinctively went to her waist, thank Arceus she still had her Pokeball belt. She quickly grabbed Mimikyu’s Pokeball, she knew how much he hated being inside his Pokeball. “Come on out, Mimikyu!”

And in the blink of an eye, the Disguise Pokemon was out and about. His beady little eyes looked left and right in search of Percy and when he found her, he ran and jumped into her arms so fast she barely had time to catch him. “Yeah, yeah, I’m glad you’re okay too, buddy.” She said as she hugged him to her chest. 

In her distracted state, she barely dodged the fireball that was coming their way, “Foolish human! Did you really think you could slip away from ME?” said the talking fire type, “Now, unless you wanna get burned to a crisp, take off that-“

“Ugh I’ve had enough of you, you little Impidimp.” She put Mimikyu down, “Mimikyu, shadow ball!” she commanded. Mimikyu, who already didn’t like the creature, who threw a fireball at his trainer for no reason, didn’t lose any time to follow that command.

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