Broken chandelier broken dreams

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Despite being as lazy as he is, Grim was a very fast runner when he was running from responsibility. The three humans and Pokemons have been chasing him for nearly 20 minutes straight and they still couldn't manage to catch him. Even with the occasional Shadow Balls and Air Cutters from Mimikyu and Unfezant, Ace and Deuce tried to help with spells but unfortunately, they were so out of sync that they missed their target every time and kept arguing with each other at every turn.

Good news; they finally managed to corner the fiery feline in the Cafeteria, bad news; knowing that Percy wouldn't risk any more damage to property Grim hopped onto the branched chandelier, making Percy stop Unfezant from Pecking him.

"Grim! Get down from there right this instance!" Percy yelled at him from the ground while she pointed to the ground, her patience was running thin.

"Phantump Phantump, tump!" The Stump Pokemon snapped at the feline. (You're gonna get us in trouble again, you jerk!)

"If you want it so much, get me down yourself!"

"No fair climbing onto the chandelier, you coward!" Deuce yelled while panting, both boys were out of breath, while Percy didn't even break a sweat. "I haven't really learned flight magic yet..."

"What could I summon to hold onto him...? Hmmm..." He tried to think, then snapped his fingers as he had an idea, "Oh! That's it!"

"Did you come up with somethi— "Ace was about to ask but jumped away and hide behind Percy at the sight of the magic pen pointed at him. "Oh, hey! Stop! What are you doing?! Why are you pointing your pen at me?!"

"Ew!! Don't touch me, teenage boy!!" the blonde trainer shouted with a look of disgust while Mimikyu on her shoulder slapped Ace's hand on her arm and pushed the boy back towards the magic pen's range. "I don't know where you've been!"

"Because I'm going to launch you," Deuce said with a confident smile, like what he just said was a good idea.

And if she didn't know better Percy could've believed that it was, but her 14 years of trainer experience told her that a young wizard who had gone to magic school for literally 1 day, launching a what seems like a roughly 64.35-kilo boy at a big and ancient-looking, therefore probably expensive chandelier at high speed, with a spell that he probably didn't know well, wasn't a good idea.

"No way does this end well." She murmured to herself, "Deuce don't do it—!"

"Are you kidding me?! Bwaaah! Put me down!" Ace was already in the air before Percy could stop Deuce, "Seriously, do not launch me! Abort! ABORT!"

"Just make sure to grab him tight. I've got him in my sights, and..." Deuce stretched back then swiftly pointed his magic pen to the fiery feline and the ginger boy followed his movement in the air, "Go!"


Unfezant moved out of the way at the last second before Ace collided with both Grim and the chandelier. The chandelier broke from its support and fell to the ground with a pretty loud crash, and the shattered pieces scattered everywhere but thankfully Percy acted quickly to shield her Pokemon from the broken pieces of glass, Unfezant was high enough to escape the pieces so she just turned around, grabbed Cinccino from her head, Mimikyu, Vaporeon, Sebastian, and Phantump jumped into her arms and she held them close to her chest.

"Yup, ancient alright." Percy coughed and unsuccessfully tried to swat away the dust cloud that came with the fallen chandelier. "Unfezant, Gust!"

The Proud Pokemon's wings started to glow light blue and he flapped them swiftly, releasing a powerful gust of wind that blew the dust cloud away, revealing a very broken chandelier, a semi-unconscious Grim who was mumbling nonsense, and a ginger dumbass who was being a wimp.

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