•Chapter 2•

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It was around midday when Zenko Feng was on his way to a familiar Kunihiro's caste, more so to speak, the half Demon breeds fathers castle.

The male's ears drew back as he yawned,
before heading off he had baked some cookies for the Kunihiro family, in hopes they'd all be fond of them.

He approached the gate of the castle and waved at the guards as he went past, who both gladly waved back in a rather friendly manner; not questioning why the kitsune half breed was there.

Zenko skipped up the path with a happy expression before getting to the rather large doors and knocking, "Mister Nakahei??" He called for as he wagged his only tail in excitement.

The doors opened not too long after as the aforementioned came out, "Zenko~! Are you here to visit~?" He asked in surprise and happiness.

The half kitsune smiled, "Hello Mister Nakahei~!" Zenko said before nodding, "Yes I came over to see your son, and I made cookies for all of you~" He said in a happy but slightly more calm manner as he reached the cookies out towards Nakahei.

Nakahei looked at him in surprise and then smiled happily, "Oh thanks~!" He said cheerfully and made way so he could enter, "Come in~!"

Zenko walked into the beautiful castle, "How is Yosei~?" Nakahei blushed and smiled, "He's doing very well~ Would you like to see him~?"

"Yes please~!" Zenko said in a happy manner. "Let's go then~!" Nakahei said cheerfully.

The half kitsune nodded in agreement and started following him. Nakahei smiled and then arrived to the room where Yosei was at.

Yosei who was sitting at the dining table looked up in surprise before smiling, "Hi, Zenko~"

The aforementioned walked over to him, "Hiya Yosei~"

The elf sneezed, alerting the half kitsune.

"Are you okay?" He asked the elf.

Yosei giggled a little and nodded, "Yes I'm fine, it's the time of the year where I have to go out more often~! As an elf, I need to go outside more often or else I start getting poorly~"

"Y-Yeah...we need to be more careful with him these days until he feels better~" Nakahei said to him while blushing and looking away a little from embarrassment.

Yosei smiled, "Don't worry, Naka~"

Zenko nodded and smiled at the two of them, "Can I see your eldest~?"

"Enomi~?" Nakahei asked in surprise.

Zenko nodded with a light blush, "Y-Yes please~!" Nakahei chuckled lightly, "You sure are quite fond of my son~" He said before calling out for him.

The kitsune's cheeks went a rather deep red colour, "H-He's just my best friend~!"

Nakahei smiled at that, "Really~? You seem flustered everytime he's around, even just his name makes you blush~ Do you have a crush on him~?" He asked teasingly.

Zenko looked up at him in surprise, his ears went red, "I-I-! Okay I might th-think he's cute but the thought will pass..! I promise h-he's just a friend!~" He muttered in embarrassment.

Nakahei pat his head as he chuckled lightly, "No need to be shy~" He said to him, as Enomi had arrived to where they were, "Dad~! Is something wrong?" He asked in a bit of concern.

Yosei giggled at the little conversation.

Zenko jumped a little and tried to calm down, "H-Hi Enomi~!"

The aforementioned looked at him in surprise, "Zenko~!" He yelped in surprise, and then smiled happily. "You two can go hang out elsewhere~!" Nakahei said to them as he went to sit beside Yosei.

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