Epi 16 - Greenlight

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We were gathering in the conference room for roll call when Captain Anderson called us into the bullpen, from where she stood on the staircase. "Can I get your attention?" She called out.

"Let's go, Boots," I called out to the rookies who looked a bit confused. Everyone funneled into the bullpen and looked up at the captain. Lucy came and stood beside me as the captain began to speak.

"Everyone, gather up." She announced, as most of us gathered around to hear what she had to say. "All, right, guys, listen up. Internal affairs will be conducting random integrity tests this week."

"Reversals," West announced like the know-it-all he is.

"That's right, Officer West," Grey affirmed.

"What's a reversal?" Nolan asked.

"Where cops go undercover to rat out other cops," I replied with disdain.

"IA officers will be spending the week pretending to be criminals, so they can analyze how we treat them," Anderson added.

"So, what Tim said." Lopez summarized.

"Do you think this is a joke, Officer Lopez? Officer Bradford?" Anderson stared directly at us.

"No ma'am." We both responded at the same time.

"Good. Because I take it very seriously. If you have to change your behavior because of these reversals, we have a problem. My officers do things the right way - every day. Is that understood?" She addressed all of us.

"Yes, ma'am," everyone echoed back to her.

"Good. Dismissed," she replied and everyone started to disperse.

Our group went to the supply desk to get our gear for the day. Nolan asked, "Are reversals really that hard to spot? I mean, I can usually make a cop by how they walk."

"Not these guys," Bishop responded. "They train for this. It's like the super bowl to them. They go all in. About 2 years ago, they took over a bank and masqueraded as robbers just to test our response time."

"They cleared the bank out first. Every teller and customer was a plant." I added.

"That's dedicated," Chen said.

"No, it's a waste of time and resources, which is why I make it my mission to seek and destroy reversals," I replied.
I grabbed our bags and headed to the shop. Chen followed after me and once the shop was loaded and checked over we hit the streets. I was already annoyed today, and these reversals this week weren't helping any.

The weather was gloomy and rainy. We were stopped at a stop sign just watching the traffic when Chen spoke.

"I'm just saying, cops don't have the best reputation right now. And if these tests help the public trust us, isn't it worth it?" She asked.

"And how are we supposed to trust each other if our fellow officers are trying to trick us into screwing up?" I asked in return.

"I... ask myself that every day." Chen sighed. Yeah, but I'm not them. I'm your training officer. It's my job.

"That's different. I do it to make you a better cop not to betray you." I explained.

Suddenly a red Ferrari was honking their horn impatiently and sped past the person in front of them, and blew through a stop sign. I quickly threw our lights on and followed him. Pulling the driver over I quickly radioed in that we were exiting the shop and approaching the driver. Approaching the vehicle I let Chen take contact, And I stood off to the side to take cover. The driver rolled down the window then and it was-

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