Your Identity

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I Haven't been writing for at least two months and i just recently posted forgiveness.

Today i wanna talk about your identity. This was a huge struggle for my life because of all the abuse and BS, I have been through. I really never knew who i was. I let people define who i am and i let my actions en tale who I am.

So let me ask you a question. Is your identity what people define you? is your identity the actions you take in your life? Are you smart? are you stupid? Are you cute? or Are you ugly? Am I worthy of anything? These are questions i asked myself, and you had to have asked yourself. If you feel unproductive or very depressed or just not happy at all i hope this chapter touches you. So lets get started.

So if you haven't read my other book about my story which i haven't finished yet and probably not. (lol) I talk about my life as a kid living with a abusive mother.(which was the main root why i had a problem of who i was or my identity. It just made me so weak, dark, and depressed. i hated everything. Most of all i hated Christianity, i hated there God. I hated who Jesus was. (at least I thought he was a God that struck lightning and wanted the people on earth to be punished (LMBO). Until one day my cousin Noah took me to church, which i wasn't so excited for. So i just gave a fake look of interest.

So I enter the church(which becomes my home church known as greater Bridgeport Christian fellowship in Bridgeport, ct) and I walk through the sanctuary door and this usher greets me and gives me a bulletin and asks how I am and I said I'm good. (the typical religious Christian says. So I just go in and take a seat with my cousin. The church opens the service up and starts worship. To be honest, I thought it was weird people started worshiping.

So lets skip to the part of the sermon. So this Hispanic dude started preaching. Of our identity. He started saying god loves us, he know us before we were in our mother wombs. he stated that we have value, and were treasure before God. His whole sermon gave me hope and though of change. But my perspective didn't change, but it gave me a passion to find out who god was.

A couple days later from the service I attended, I was on youtube, which I usually do most of my free free time. (yes, I did repeat yes twice.)

This video was trending, and it has over 20 million views. Its called why i hate religion, but love Jesus, by Jefferson Bethke. I recommend anyone reading this to watch the video it will give a sting to help you change your life, and help you develop spiritually. The main purpose of the poem is God wants to be intimate with you, he wants to know you. he doesn't want you to work up to him, hes right here. This changed my life forever.

Yo, I'm about to preach. (lol) If you don't know good get to know him. God is our friend! Isn't that awesome? When we think of a friend we think someone who we love being around with, someone who we can ask for advice, some who we can be ourselves with. Basically everything you think of what a friend is, God is and wants you to do with him. I just love when i can tell God how I feel, and what's going through my mind. I love his responses which overwhelm me. God is so funny and fun to hangout with. Lot's of people think I'm crazy because I say God is funny and fun. God is so fun to hangout with and he will give you the comfort you can never get from the world. God wants to know you, he wants to have a close bond with you he wants you for who you are. He wants you even when you feel like your not worth it. God wants you will you accept it?

When I started to accept god as my savior and my friend he taught me who I am and why I deal with situations. The best way to start knowing who God is, is to read his word. This verse am about to show you is God creating man in his own image. "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them". (Genesis 1:27 ESV) God created you in his image. God made you for a reason not for nothing, He created you the way he wanted to, which is the best way you can be made."."Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations."(Jeremiah 1:5) God knew you before your name was even created. He knew who you were gonna be before he created earth. God made you with perfection.God knew us before we were even created, he knew what you were going to be. God knew all the sins you will do in your past, present, and future. God knows what your going to be because he made you to be that way.

"See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure."(John 3:1-3) This verse speaks for itself.

"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."(Galatians 2:20)—Know that God is in you. When Jesus dies on the cross. you did too. When he rose from the grave your life became new. God loves you so much that he died on the cross for your sins, for your life can be spare. God dies for your problems. He died for your lying, swearing, lust, idols, for your SINS!!!! He died for all of us..WHY? because he loves us!!!

You wanna know why we go through problems? Its because god wants us to see him through that problem. The only reason why we convert to Christianity is because the problem we had got us to know god. Usually when someone becomes a Christian is because there in a dark place, who just witnessed the light, which is Jesus. Another reason why we go through life is because God is forming us. We need problems to make us spiritually strong. We need problems for God can make us who we are. You know how we work out in the gym to gain muscles. Thats how it is with God in a way. Once we enter Gods gym, he stretches out our problems for our strength can get lesson. Then we have to go through all types of workouts. Workouts of faith, obedience, love, wisdom. The key thing is that we always have to keep working out with God. Were gonna have workouts that will make us fall to our knees. But your still up. Without my mom doing all the BS she did in my life, i wouldn't be able to know God. She was part of Gods plan. I thank God everyday for letting me have a relationship with him, and dying on the cross for my sins. I want you to know that life maybe tough but talk to god about your situations, and learn his word. God Doesn't love you less if you do bad, and he doesn't love you anymore if you do Good. Go and spread his word, and find your purpose in life. Know you are perfection in Gods eyes and know your an awesome person. God loves you and so do I (lol).

God bless you!!! Love you guys!!

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)

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