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The pub had settled into a calm after the evening rush, the chatter of patrons giving way to the sounds of staff cleaning up. The clinking of glasses and the rustling of napkins created a familiar rhythm, one that Eva had come to appreciate during her time there. As she wiped down the bar, she caught sight of Michael, who was leaning casually against a wall, observing the process.

“Michael, aren’t you heading home?” Sam asked, breaking the rhythm of the cleaning.

“I can walk with you, if you don’t mind,” Michael offered, his easy smile lighting up the dimly lit space.

“Sure, I’m not visiting Evie today; I got some errands to run,” Sam replied. “Does it bother you, sweetie?” he teased, directing the question at Eva with a playful wink.

“No, of course not,” Eva replied, her smile was genuine. "We’ll be done in a few minutes."

True to her word, they wrapped up quickly, the three of them working in a comfortable camaraderie that made the tasks feel lighter. As they closed the door behind them, Paul waved goodbye, heading home while leaving Eva, Sam, and Michael to navigate their separate paths.

Once outside, the cool night air wrapped around them, and they began to walk. After two blocks, Sam leaned in and planted a quick kiss on Eva’s cheek. “Catch you later,” he said, before heading in the opposite direction.

“I'm heading right, what about you?” Eva asked Michael, her curiosity piqued.

“Mind if I walk you out? If anything happened to you, Sam would kill me,” Michael quipped, his playful tone making her smile.

“It’s okay; he’s not that intimidating. Might just give you a few more bruises,” Eva chuckled, feeling a lightness in her chest. "Sure, we can walk together."

They strolled side by side in comfortable silence, the occasional rustle of leaves punctuating their steps. Eva couldn’t help but shiver from the chill in the air, and she wrapped her arms around herself. Sensing her discomfort, Michael slipped off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. The warmth enveloped her, and the scent of him—something earthy and fresh—filled her senses.

“You have a lovely voice; I enjoy your tone,” Michael complimented, breaking the silence and catching her off guard.

“Thanks,” Eva replied, her cheeks warming at his kind words. “That means a lot.”

“Do you study music anywhere?” he inquired, genuinely interested as they walked.

“No, I’m more of an amateur. Sam thinks I should give it a shot, but I’m not quite there yet,” Eva admitted, a hint of vulnerability creeping into her voice.

“He may be onto something,” Michael mused thoughtfully.

“Maybe,” Eva replied, her heart pounding at the thought of pursuing her passion more seriously.

"You’ll figure it out. What do you think about jazz music?” Michael asked, smoothly steering the conversation toward their shared interests.

“I enjoy it. Have you heard of Rothenberg? He incorporates animal sounds into jazz improvisation,” Eva shared, eager to talk about something that excited her.

“I’ve heard of him. You’re quite knowledgeable,” Michael remarked, a hint of admiration in his tone that sent a thrill through her.

“I’m fascinated by his work. Maybe I’ll attend his lectures someday,” Eva mused, her imagination already conjuring images of sitting in a packed lecture hall, soaking in every word.

"I hope you do. I admire your passion,” Michael said warmly, and her heart soared at his acknowledgment.

“Thank you. But I also have a soft spot for movie soundtracks like Star Wars, Jurassic Park, or Kill Bill,” she added, hoping to share more of herself.

“Ah, Kill Bill is iconic. I remember when it was released; everyone had that theme as their ringtone,” Michael reminisced, his eyes lighting up with nostalgia.

“Yeah, those were the days. Half the bus would check their phones when it rang,” Eva chuckled, and Michael joined in, the sound of their laughter mingling in the cool air.

As they neared her house, she felt a mix of anticipation and reluctance. The cozy structure came into view, and she pointed it out to Michael. "Thanks for walking with me. It was lovely," she said appreciatively, her heart fluttering.

"Sure, no problem,” Michael replied, running his hand through his hair—a casual gesture that somehow made him look even more charming. He slipped his hand back into his pocket, an uncertainty flickering across his face as he lingered at the edge of the sidewalk.

Eva waved as she entered her house, her heart racing. She turned back, watching Michael for a moment. He stood there, a silhouette against the dim streetlights, and she felt an urge to reach out, to say something more. But instead, she closed the door softly behind her, leaning against it as she took a deep breath.

Reflecting on their conversation, she felt a warmth and connection that lingered long after he left. The mix of excitement and fear bubbled within her; the realization that she wanted more than just friendship with him was both exhilarating and daunting. As she stood there, a smile spread across her face, and she couldn’t help but feel that maybe, just maybe, this was the beginning of something beautiful.

With her heart still fluttering, Eva made her way to her room, feeling inspired by the night’s conversation and the warmth of Michael's jacket still wrapped around her. Perhaps it was time to embrace her feelings and let her voice be heard—not just in song but in all the ways she wanted to express herself.

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