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After finishing her coffee with Michael, Eva realized she still needed to buy something special for the upcoming concert. She hadn’t planned on running into Michael today, but now that he had given her the backstage pass, she wanted to look her best. She said goodbye to him at the café, and they parted ways—Michael heading off to his band’s rehearsal, and Eva resuming her shopping.

At the shopping center, Eva wandered through a few stores, looking for the perfect outfit. After trying on several options, she settled on a sleek black dress that was simple but stylish, along with a pair of ankle boots that gave her just the right amount of confidence. She didn’t want to look too dressed up, but she also wanted to stand out, especially knowing she’d be around Michael and his band backstage. With her shopping done, she headed home, feeling satisfied with her choice.

Later that evening, as Eva sat on her couch, there was a knock at the door. It was Sam, as promised. He walked in, greeting her with his usual playful energy.

“Hey, Evie. You promised me a full report. How was your day with dream boy?” Sam teased, making himself comfortable on the couch.

Eva rolled her eyes, though she couldn’t help but smile. “It wasn’t like that, Sam. We just had coffee, nothing crazy.”

Sam raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. “Come on, spill. Did he say anything interesting? Compliment you? What’s going on?”

Eva sighed, but in a good-natured way. She couldn’t resist telling Sam about the unexpected coffee date. “Okay, fine. We met up at the shopping center, totally unplanned. He texted me, asking what I was up to, and then we grabbed coffee at ‘La Carta.’ We talked about the concert and some other things. He even joked about you being jealous.”

“Me? Jealous?” Sam laughed. “Please, Michael doesn’t have to worry about me. You know that. But I’m curious…how did you feel about it? Like, was there any spark?”

Eva hesitated for a moment, trying to sort through her feelings. “Honestly? It was nice. Just…comfortable, you know? We talked about music and stuff, nothing too deep, but I didn’t feel nervous. I think he’s starting to see me as more than just ‘Sam’s girlfriend,’ which is progress, I guess.”

Sam nodded thoughtfully. “That’s good, Evie. It sounds like you’re slowly breaking through his ‘oblivious rockstar’ shell.”

“Maybe,” Eva admitted. “But I don’t want to read too much into it. I’m still just playing along with this whole ‘fake couple’ thing, which makes everything more complicated.”

“Yeah, but you’re handling it like a pro. And hey, at least you’re spending time with him. That’s something, right?” Sam said encouragingly.

Eva smiled. “Yeah, it is. By the way, he gave me a backstage pass for the concert on Saturday. He didn’t officially confirm if you’ll be playing with them, though.”

Sam grinned. “Nice! I’ll check in with him tomorrow, but either way, I’ll be there. And you’ll look great in that dress you bought. I’m sure Michael won’t be able to take his eyes off you.”

Eva playfully swatted his arm. “Shut up! It’s not like that.”

Sam chuckled, standing up to leave. “Alright, alright. Well, you can fill me in after the concert, too. And don’t worry—I’ll be there to protect you from any band drama.”

Eva laughed. “Thanks, Sam. You’re the best.”

After he left, Eva spent the rest of the evening relaxing, flipping through a book and letting her mind wander. She couldn’t help but feel a little excited about the concert and what it might mean for her and Michael. But for now, she focused on enjoying her quiet evening alone.

The next day, Eva was back at the pub, working her usual shift. It was busier than usual, with a crowd of regulars and a few new faces filling up the place. As she moved from table to table, taking orders and serving drinks, her mind occasionally drifted to the upcoming concert and her conversation with Michael the day before.

Paul, the pub owner, noticed her distraction and gave her a knowing smile when she passed by the bar. “Thinking about something special, Eva?”

She blushed slightly, shaking her head. “Just got a lot on my mind, Paul. You know, concert stuff.”

Paul chuckled. “Ah, I see. Well, don’t let it distract you too much. The crowd tonight isn’t as forgiving as your daydreams.”

Eva grinned, getting back to work. The evening passed quickly, and soon the pub was winding down, with the last few patrons lingering over their drinks.

As she cleaned up the tables, Eva spotted Michael walking into the pub. He headed straight for his usual spot in the L-shaped lounge near the bar, ordering an espresso martini. He didn’t seem to notice her at first, absorbed in his phone, but when she approached to take his order, he looked up and gave her a warm smile.

“Hey, Eva,” he greeted. “I didn’t know you were working today.”

“Yep, I’m here,” she replied with a smile. “What brings you in tonight?”

“Just needed a break after rehearsal. Thought I’d stop by and relax for a bit,” Michael said, taking a sip of his drink. “Are you ready for Saturday?”

“Yeah, I’m excited,” Eva admitted. “It should be a fun show.”

“Definitely. I’m glad you’ll be there,” Michael said, holding her gaze for a moment longer than usual.

Eva’s heart skipped a beat, but she kept her cool, giving him a casual smile. “Me too. It’s going to be great.”

As the night came to an end, Eva couldn’t shake the feeling that things were starting to change between her and Michael. Whether it was the coffee they shared or the upcoming concert, she felt like they were slowly moving from acquaintances to something more—something deeper.

For now, though, she focused on finishing her shift and heading home, where her thoughts would inevitably drift back to Michael once again.

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