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Time flew by, and after a couple of weeks, Eva's song was finally complete. With Sam's help, they had crafted a delicate yet powerful melody that perfectly complemented the lyrics she had written—lyrics that subtly hinted at her hidden emotions for Michael. Each note felt personal, and each word was a reflection of the feelings she couldn’t openly express.

One evening, after their usual shift at the pub, Sam sat beside her as she strummed her guitar, going over the final touches.

“Sounds perfect now,” Sam said, nodding in approval. “The music fits your lyrics like a glove. It’s subtle but loaded. I’m not even sure Michael will realize it’s about him.”

Eva smiled, a bittersweet tug at her heart. “That’s the idea. I want it to stay hidden. Let people interpret it however they want.”

Sam chuckled. “It’s a good strategy. No one will know unless they really know you. And Michael… well, I doubt he’ll pick up on it.”

Eva sighed softly, her fingers absentmindedly plucking at the guitar strings. “I hope not. It’s easier this way. Let the song speak for me without saying anything outright.”

Sam gave her a supportive pat on the back. “You’ve got this. When do you plan to play it?”

“Maybe this weekend, at the pub,” Eva replied thoughtfully. “Paul said we could do another small set soon.”

“Perfect. I’ll be there as always,” Sam smiled. “Fake boyfriend duties still going strong.”

Eva laughed, shaking her head. “You’re more of a real friend than anything, Sam. I wouldn’t have gotten through all this without you.”

“And I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” Sam said sincerely, giving her a wink. “Now, let’s hear that final version again.”

That Saturday night, the pub was buzzing with its usual weekend crowd. Independent bands were performing their sets, and Paul was behind the bar, tending to customers. The atmosphere was warm, filled with the hum of conversation and the clinking of glasses.

Eva and Sam stood near the small stage, setting up their equipment. Eva felt a familiar mix of excitement and nervousness bubble inside her as she tuned her guitar.

“You’re going to kill it,” Sam whispered in her ear, offering a reassuring smile.

Eva took a deep breath and nodded. “Let’s hope so.”

When it was finally their turn, Sam started with a soft, delicate intro, letting the audience ease into the melody. Eva took her place in front of the microphone, her hands steady on the guitar. As she began to sing, the room seemed to quiet down, the soft strumming and her voice drawing people in.

The lyrics poured out of her with a calm confidence, each line layered with meaning that only she and Sam truly understood. The song was a confession, though it remained hidden beneath metaphor and melody—her way of saying everything she couldn’t say directly to Michael.

“You never knew, the words I couldn’t speak,
But in every note, you’re the secret I keep.
Hidden in plain sight, just a melody’s disguise,
All my truth is here, reflected in your eyes.”

As the final notes hung in the air, Eva glanced briefly at Michael, who sat at his usual spot near the bar, his espresso martini untouched as he watched her intently. His expression was unreadable, but he clapped along with the rest of the audience as the song came to a close.

Eva stepped off the stage, her heart racing. Sam grinned at her.

“See? You nailed it.”

“Thanks,” she whispered, the adrenaline still coursing through her.

As they packed up their equipment, Michael approached them. “That was beautiful, Eva,” he said, his voice softer than usual. “I really liked it.”

Eva smiled, her heart fluttering at his words. “Thanks, Michael. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“You’ve got a real gift,” Michael added, his eyes meeting hers for a moment longer than usual before he turned to Sam. “You two work well together.”

“We try,” Sam quipped, flashing a grin. “Eva’s the real talent though.”

Michael gave them both a nod before returning to his spot, leaving Eva feeling both elated and conflicted. The performance had gone perfectly, but the emotions she had poured into the song were still raw beneath the surface.

Later that evening, as they cleaned up the pub, Sam looked over at her with a knowing smile.

“How are you feeling?”

Eva exhaled slowly. “Relieved, mostly. It felt good to finally play it.”

“And what about Michael? Think he picked up on anything?” Sam asked, his tone light but curious.

“I don’t think so. He liked it, but... he didn’t really understand what it was about,” Eva replied, half relieved and half disappointed.

“Probably for the best,” Sam said, nodding. “The important thing is that you got it out. Music’s a good way to handle all this.”

Eva smiled softly. “Yeah. It is.”

With Sam by her side, Eva felt a sense of calm. Though her feelings for Michael remained complicated and unresolved, she had found a way to express them without breaking the fragile balance she had built in her life. For now, that was enough.

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