Part 1

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"If there's an opportunity, I would like to get married to my lover next year," Mew smiled at the camera, responding to the reporters' questions.

On the other side, Gulf stood frozen in front of the television, watching the news. His worst fears had come true, despite his earlier doubts. Gulf stood motionless, tears streaming down his face. Unable to catch his breath, his trembling hands and weak knees gave way, causing him to collapse to the floor. Biting his lip, he attempted to stifle his cries.


As Gulf called out the name that had brought him so much joy for the past three years, his tears flowed even faster. Mew had been his source of happiness, the person he aspired to be like, and the one he had loved silently for three years. Gulf kept his love hidden for months after filming TharnType Season 1, believing that Mew's actions were genuine. He immersed himself in the role, unaware that he was the only one playing. There was no Mew, only Tharn, but from Gulf's side, there was no Type. Only Gulf Kanawut.

For nearly two years, Gulf doubted himself as Mew stopped responding to his texts and calls. Yet, he remained confident that Mew reciprocated his feelings based on their on and off-camera interactions. Gulf brushed aside any doubts and nightmares, believing that Mew was simply busy. However, his countless gifts and flowers went unanswered, not even a small 'thank you' from Mew. Gulf felt like just another fan. For almost two years, Gulf's love for Mew blinded him, causing him to dismiss all doubts. But the news had confirmed his worst fears—Mew didn't love him the way he loved Mew.

Morning arrived, but Gulf remained in the same position, unable to sleep. His phone had been ringing all night, especially with calls from P'Best. P'Best knew about Gulf's feelings and had been a source of support.

Knock, knock.

"Gulf? Are you awake? Breakfast is ready, dear," Gulf's mother called from behind the door. Gulf offered no response, so his mother called out once more.

"Gulf... Are you awake?" She placed her hand on the doorknob. Before she could open it, she heard Gulf's voice.

"Yes, Mom. I just woke up. I'll come down later after I shower," Gulf replied, trying to steady his trembling voice.

"Okay, Gulf," his mother smiled upon hearing his voice before she proceeded downstairs, leaving her son alone.

Gulf closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. His heart was broken, but he couldn't let his parents see his pain. He didn't want them to worry. Gulf was a person who kept his worries to himself, not wanting to burden those around him.

"You can do this, Gulf," he whispered, mustering his courage.

After a lengthy shower, Gulf descended the stairs. He appeared pale, causing his family to question if he was alright. Gulf simply smiled and assured them that he hadn't slept well the previous night but would be fine. Thankfully, his family believed his explanation. Technically, it wasn't a lie, as Gulf hadn't slept at all. He chose to omit certain details from the story.

After breakfast, Gulf picked up his phone to find 10 missed calls and 5 texts from P'Best.


Gulf? Did you hear the news?
-Received 10.30 p.m.-

Gulf, are you there?
-Received 10.35 p.m.-

Gulf? Please reply to me. I need to know if you're okay.
-Received 11.00 p.m.-

I understand that you may need some time alone, but remember that I am here.
-Received 11.20 p.m.-

Gulf? I just wanted to let you know that you have practice today. But if you want to cancel it, I understand. Just let me know.
-Received 7.35 a.m.-

Gulf smiled faintly. At least there was someone who genuinely cared about him. He decided to call P'Best and inform him that he would attend practice that day. He was heartbroken, but he knew he needed to focus on work. Perhaps immersing himself in his responsibilities could provide some temporary distraction.

At practice, P'Best didn't bring up the news or mention it in any way. Gulf appreciated P'Best's sensitivity. He managed to get through the session smoothly, although there were questions about his paleness. Gulf answered them in the same way he responded to his family's concerns.

Afterward, Gulf entered P'Best's office and sank onto the couch. He sat in a daze, trying to clear his mind. Unfortunately, Mew's face kept intruding upon his thoughts. He shook his head, attempting to push the image away. Gulf resorted to scrolling through social media, hoping to divert his attention.

But all he encountered were numerous posts featuring Mew's face, discussing the announcement. Some claimed Mew had deceived them, while others speculated that Gulf was somehow involved in a scheme and subjected him to harsh criticism. Some believed Mew tricked Gulf, while a few even believed that Gulf was Mew's lover. However, these opinions were not the core issue for Gulf. The painful truth was that he couldn't accept the reality of his worst nightmare.

The door creaked open, revealing P'Best. As Gulf's tears continued to flow, P'Best didn't say a word. He simply embraced Gulf, offering him comfort without the need for explanations.

"Oh, Gulf," P'Best murmured, enveloping him in a consoling embrace.

"P'Best... help me... I can't bear it," Gulf managed to choke out between sobs.

P'Best held him tighter, offering solace and understanding. In that moment of heartache, Gulf found solace in the presence of someone who cared.


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