Backseat Serenade

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{{Nicole's POV}}

IT'S THURSDAY!! You know what that means? It's time for me to go to WARPED TOUR!! I had everything packed. I heard a bus honk. I grabbed my duffel bag and suit case along with my shoulder bag which had my money, phone, phone charger, couple AP magazines and my book I was reading.

I ran downstairs with all my stuff and dropped it by the front door.

''Bye dad!'' I said and squeezing him in a hug and leaving with my stuff.

Alex helped me load my stuff onto the bus and showed me where my bunk was, well...technically it was his bunk, but we were sharing. I put my bags with the rest of the bags, in the small storage area in the back lounge that was connected to the bathroom, a small bathroom...very small.

''Welcome. To the All Time Low tour bus.'' Jack greeted me. He showed me the kitchen the living room, of course the bunk room and the back lounge..typical.

''Help yourself to anything.'' He said before telling the bus driver we could leave. I got my phone out and texted Becca. She said she was still waiting, so we chatted a while until the PTV bus got to her house.

{{Becca's POV}}

I texted Nicole while waiting for the PTV bus. I had everything packed like clothes, magazines, all that jazz. I had my small duffel bag and small suit case along with my shoulder bag which had my phone, tablet, snacks, tablet and phone chargers, an my new AP magazine. I heard the bus pull up in front of my house.

''Bye mom!" I said and hugged her. Before I could go anywhere she pulled me back.

''My baby girl is all grown up.'' She said smiling.

''Moooommm! I'm not a baby about........*long thinking time* .....I can't think of anything. Baby girl is gonna have to do. Love ya!'' I said. I hugged her one last time before running out the door with my stuff.

Jaime met me outside the bus, smiling. I hauled my duffel bag over my shoulder along with my shoulder bag and dragged my suit case over to the bus. Jaime took my duffel bag onto the bus and brought it to the back lounge.

I followed suit, and put my bags next to his. She showed me where my bunk was. Well, technically it was his bunk, but since we are together, we share bunks. Tee hee.

If you are confused, Jaime asked me to be his girlfriend shortly after graduation. Same with Alex and Nicole. Such happy couples! *Insert lovey dovey face here*.

I followed Jaime to the front part of the bus where the guys were.

''Hey! Hey!'' Mike yelled and squeezed the life out of me in a hug. I hugged back and sat down in between Vic and Jaime.

''Becca. This is Danielle, Vic's girlfriend, and Erin, Tony's girlfriend, and over there by Mike is Alysha, Mike's girlfriend.'' Jaime introduced me, pointing to each one.

''Hi! I'm Danielle!" The girl beside Vic exclaimed, holding out her hand.

''Becca.'' I replied, shaking her hand. She had long, natural red hair, thin figure and lots of freckles.

''I'm Alysha. Nice to meet you.'' Alysha chirped, shaking my hand. She had long beach blonde hair, thin, yet curvy figure and a lot of tattoos, but not as much as Jaime, Mike and Tony.

''and I'm Erin.'' Erin said, also shaking my hand. She had shoulder length brown hair, and a thin figure.

''Alright! Next destination...WARPED TOUR!!....or a hotel..doesn't matter.'' Vic shouted. We all laughed at him. He rolled his eyes and brought out the beer. That's when things changed.

Ugh! I hate doing this to you fellow readers. I am so sorry for so many short chapters. I'm gonna find more ideas. Bye!

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