Diamonds And Why Men Buy Them

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{{Nicole's POV}}

Everyone was gathered in the house. Jack and Zack were playing with Eva and Lindsay in the basement. Becca still hasn't gotten back and it's been 2 hours. Everyone was ask.

''Guys! Shut Up! We won't know anything until Becca gets back!'' I shouted, trying to calm everyone down.

''Where is Becca?" Alysha asked.

''She told me to get all of your here, so we know everyone else is safe. Then she just left.'' I told them.

''Has anyone tried calling her?" Danielle asked. Everyone was silent.

''I will.'' Erin volunteered. She ran upstairs and called her. A few moments later, she came back down stairs.

''Her phone was in the nursery.'' She said and handed me the phone. Then the door swung open.

''Guys! I have a plan!" Becca shouted with a huge grin on her face. Everyone crowded around Becca at the dinner table, even jack and Zack after we dragged them upstairs. The girls fell asleep, so we had to be quiet.

''So, I went to the police and got them to trace where the call came from." Becca started.

''Where did it come from?" Rian asked with his arms crossed.

''Theres a forest or something with an old building, completely evacuated, and that's where the call came from. I did some research and its an old factory thing with gas tanks inside, so once we get Alex and Jaime out, we blow the place to shreds. I don't care if Jared and Luke are inside, they deserve to die.'' Becca explained.

''When did you get so violent?" Vic asked.

''If only you knew, if only you knew.'' Becca muttered.

We worked out a plan and then got Danielle and Erin to watch the girls in a hotel room while we were out.

We got dressed in black. Black jeans, black boots, black sweaters, black hats and black bandanas. We grabbed the weapons and went out the door.


{{Becca's POV}}

''Stop here.'' I ordered. Rian stopped the car. We parked in between a couple trees, but we parked, so we had a quick exit. I checked on Danielle and Erin and the twins before heading into action.

We split up and turned the volume on our walkies low so we didn't get caught. We had head sets so it didn't really matter. I zipped up my leather jacket and led my group. 3 groups, Nicole with Jack and Rian, Vic with Mike and Tony and me with Alysha and Zack.

''We go in through the back, one at a time, make sure the coast is clear.'' I told them before pulling my bandana over my face and pulled my hood on. They nodded and opened the door. I pulled out my hand gun I kept for personal security. I walked in, pointed the gun in each direction before walking in. I waved for Alysha to follow and then Zack followed. We quietly walked through one of the halls.

I heard talking coming from around the corner. I stopped and waved for them to stop. I peered around the corner and saw a short, chubby man dressed in a southern suit. 2 other, taller, guys stood guarding a door.

''Make sure they don't escape this time. We can't let them get away or they will tell everyone. Got it Luke?" He snapped. The guy, I'm guessing was Luke, nodded.

''Jared, make sure they don't escape.'' Jared nodded and the guy walked this way. Someone tapped on my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw Zack pointing to the air vent. I nodded and crawled in,followed by Alysha and then Zack. Zack put the air vent cover back in place and then crawled through the vent with us.

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