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Andra stared at her father in shock. She could hardly believe the words coming out of his mouth.

If Dominic was not there, present, she would not have even tried to comprehend what he was saying. She could feel her heart jumping, pounding against her chest.

"This has got to be a joke, right?"

"I mean every word I've said," Duke replied decisively. "Like I've said time and time again, you are going to ruin my chances in this forthcoming election with your reckless and wayward lifestyle if I don't do something about it. I told you that I will take drastic action. This is it."

Andra's heart fluttered with fear as she considered the seriousness of the situation.

"So, you're forcing me into a fake arranged marriage with a stranger just to save your career?" Andra was appalled.

"It will give the media something positive to write about this family."

Andra's expression turned stony with fury.

"Daddy, this will not happen." She protested.

Her father was unaffected by her demeanor but continued to lay out his decision.

"You and Dominic will move in together right after the proposal." He said.

At Duke's latest pronouncement, Dominic found himself concerned.

"Move in together?" he and Andra chorused. Realizing they were one in that second, their eyes met each other with resentment before returning to Duke's determined face.

"Move in together after the proposal?" Dominic asked, displeased with the idea and letting his displeasure show with a tightening jaw. He didn't see any reason why that should happen. "Why? When there is no marriage yet?"

Duke understood their concerns. He didn't care much for Andra in this whole situation because she drove him into doing what he was doing. But he cared about Dominic's concern because he had faith in him. The guy would be able to handle his daughter so he could finally have peace in his life.

"Well, it is the only way that you will be able to keep an eye on her." He explained to Dominic. "How else do you think you will be able to do that if you're not in the same house?"

Dominic thought about his explanation and understood the rationale behind his decision. If this stubborn daughter of his was not in a position where she would be under his watch, the deal would be difficult to handle.

In The Hands of DominicWhere stories live. Discover now