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The couple's eyes expanded with intrigue at the further revelation and they listened to him continue.

"Part of my job ethics is twenty percent disclosure of my identity to the world in general. That's because I deal with sensitive data and missions. And because I am naturally a private person, I have had no problem with this."

At their rapt attention and speechlessness, he had to apologize for overwhelming them. "I'm really sorry."

"I must confess that this is all very interesting," Duke admitted. "When only moments ago, I thought you were a taxi driver. But still, I know your father. Everyone knows of his strong value for integrity. When he was a Judge before becoming prime minister, he sentenced one of his sons to two years imprisonment. Where is your brother now?"

Dominic remembered his younger brother. The guy was a handful and was twenty when he stabbed somebody over some girl. The victim had miraculously survived with minor injuries but still, it was attempted murder. Thank God he committed the crime at a young age and had completed his sentence. He had learned his lesson and had taken a completely surprising path in life.

"He is abroad studying humanities."

"Wow." Duke was impressed.

"He learned his lesson," Carla said.

"He sure did." Dominic agreed. "His brother was the most cool-headed person he now knew.

"So that brings me back to the fact that your father has strong values for integrity," Duke said. "He will not hesitate to reveal the truth behind this charade you now have with my wayward daughter. You know that very well."

Dominic knew that it was true and he could see the worry in Duke's demeanor. This whole thing was turning sour faster than he had imagined after the news about his identity surfaced.

"Sir, I don't think you need to worry." He said reassuringly.

"Why not?" Duke could not fathom why he should not be worried. Everything seemed to be turning upside down so fast.

"I signed a contract, Sir," Dominic responded. "And I intend to see it through." He saw some hope enter the distraught man's eyes.

"Are you saying that you will not tell your father about the contract?" he asked.

Dominic shook his head. "I will not do that." He confirmed.

Duke's hope was rising but he was still worried. "You will not tell your father this is all a camouflage?" he pressed, desperately needing to be doubly sure.

"I will not do that." Dominic firmly repeated his assurance. "If I don't tell him, he will definitely believe it's real. So that's how I intend to hold onto my end of the deal. You have nothing to worry about, Sir."

Dominic saw a significant amount of relief on the couple's faces and was glad he had been able to douse their worry.



The sun was out fully now, shining and casting glittering lights onto the swimming pool in Dominic's parent's home.

His parents were seated by the swimming pool as they watched him leave his car in the parking space and approach their table out in the deluxe yard.

Dominic observed the cold looks on their faces as he advanced toward them.

"Stop right there, son," George shouted as he got about a couple of feet close to them, forcing him to stop. "That is close enough because I can't stand you right now."

Dominic understood their anger and was already working on how best to calm them down. He still had no idea. But if he could calm Duke and his wife down, he believed that he could calm his parent's down.

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