True Colours

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Dark, dreary, death.

Home, yet not.


Gasping awake, Glory wiped at the tears that ran down her snout. The nightmare kept flashing before her every time she blinked—a voice whispering to her.

~ It's all your fault! ~ It hissed, ~ they'd be alive if it weren't for you! ~

She staggered as she got off the bed; she needed to getaway. Separate fact from fiction. She needed somewhere Deathbringer could not get to her. Moving forwards on wobbling feet, she set forward towards the training room and the stone forest within.

Moving as far back as she dared, squeezing through, she fell to her knees as the cries broke free from her snout.


Deathbringer woke with a twitch of an ear. A strange noise echoed through the cave system; it was sad, rising and falling. Padding out of his room, he poked his head into Glory's cave, but she wasn't there.

That's when the meaning of the noise clicked. It was someone crying; it was Glory crying.

Moving as silent as his youthful years, Deathbringer traced to the source of the noise. He walked right into a cave with a site filled with almost a forest of spikes.

"Glory, are you okay?" Deathbringer called out, he tried going further in, but the closing gaps refused to give way for his size. 

"'m fine," Glory's voice answered, breaking under the weight of her tears, "go back to sleep."

"Glory, it will be best to talk it through," Deathbringer called, pacing to find a gap wide enough.

"Don't want to," Glory mumbled.

"Glory, please," Deathbringer called, scratching at the gap between two stalacto-stalagmites.

Glory mumbled something back, but her tears covered it.

Try as he might, Deathbringer could not get through to either Glory or the spike wall. Finally, he sat down against one of the spikes; he had nothing on him to get to Glory's side. He clenched his paws, feeling helpless.

He was glancing down at his talons when a single tear slide down the left side of his snout. It splashed against the stone floor, glistening black on the cold floor - like a part of Deathbringer had just been shed away.

Humming under his breath, Deathbringer tried to calm himself. He could not help but smile as the memory of his mother singing this song to console him after a bad nightmare as a hatchling came to the forefront of his mind.

You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh, I realise
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
The darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small

It was barely above a whisper as he began to sing. But the noise echoed loudly around them, filling their ears.

Show me a smile then
Don't be unhappy
Can't remember when
I last saw you laughing

Another tear fell as Deathbringer closed his eyes, flashes of lightning dancing before him. He could almost hear her voice, singing slowly.

This world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
Just call me up
'Cause I'll be there

Glory stared down at her feet, the nightmare beginning to fade from her mind. It still flashed, but it wasn't the storm it was before. Each time she opened her mouth and sang, the world calmed yet more.

Glorybringer a Wings of Fire storyWhere stories live. Discover now