Sunset (Deathbringer's POV)

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I woke up, started the fire but I could not move, Glory was laying almost completely on me, I must have turned over during the night to allow her to lay this much on me. "Deathbringer? That you? It's so cold." Glory said shivering. Picking her up, I moved her closer to the fire, passing a handful of fruit to her and I ate the rest of the fish from yesterday. I laid next to her, draping my wing over her. "Thank you Deathbringer." She said.
"Your welcome, Glory," I replied.

(Author's pov)
They lay there for a while, till the sky turn pink, gold dancing around in the highlighted sky. They sat up, leaning on each other, to watch it. "Deathbringer?" Glory asked.
"Hum?" Deathbringer replied.
"Being here reminds me of just how much I love you. You stayed with me through it all. You protected me, you flew for hours straight, holding me. You are my everything Deathbringer!" She stated, turning to Deathbringer, going pink.
"Being here is just making my love stronger. I promised myself when my Mom died, that the next person I love, I would stay with them, do anything for them. Including going against my whole tribe. You are the one that keeps me sain, you are the one that makes my heart beat. You are my everything Glory." Deathbringer said, emotional, Glory turned even pinker if that is even possible. Glory laid her head on Deathbringer's shoulder and they both drifted off to sleep, fire blowing out in the pleasant breeze of the morning sun.

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