News (Author's POV)

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News spread quickly around the school that Queen Glory has hatchlings and that they arrived late last night. When Glory had got them all awake, including Deathbringer, a massive crowd of over one hundred dragonets where lining the way to the food hall, even though it was only six in the morning. When they had reached the food hall, they'd left a pile of mass destruction, they where currently being followed by cooing and awwing dragons and dragonets.

Breakfast was... diffrent. They where getting everything handed to them, by students wanting to get closer to the hatchlings. Finally one spoke up asking the dragonets age. "Their only one week old. Hatched earlier this week." Glory replied, only resulting it more awws echoing around the cave.

After eating there fill, the family set off, heading to the rainforset. As it was summer break, the students can go home. They where currently being followed by the RainWings and NightWings. The students where taking turns carrying the dragonets much to a few of the hatchlings protects. Galaxy had wisely not talked, if he did it would only of made the students aww and maybe even drop him or worse nuzzle him like they do to little hatchlings.

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