CH 10: Nemesis VS Spiders

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<Guys, a little change. It's Ali and Natasha against Spider Man (Peter Parker), Ghost Spider (Gwen Stacy) and Silk (Cindy Moon).

Ali and Natasha wouldn't have a problem in fighting against all five of them, but writing a 5 v 1 is really annoying, especially when it's against the Spiders. The other Spiders are in this universe, but just these three have come at the moment.

Also, sorry for this chapter being shorter than usual. I wanted to leave it at a fun cliffhanger and I wanted to watch some What If episodes. One more thing, I updated another auxiliary chapter just naming Ali's abilities without explaining>

Ali smirked and spoke in her mind as the Spiders got ready for action :"(Normally, if someone wanted to pick a fight with us, I would've recommended that you kill them and let me eat them.

However, I don't think that would be good for our image since these guys seem to be rather popular. Don't kill them, but don't hold back in teaching them a lesson.

Also, pay attention to that girl without a mask wearing black and white <Silk>, I sense something from her. Not something dangerous, but something beneficial to us~.)"

"Hmm." Natasha hummed quietly, not wanting to let the Spiders know what her symbiotic partner was planning :"Understood."

"Well, sorry to break it to you, Miss Widow, but we're gonna have to separate you two by force!" Ghost Spider let out before she shot two webs at the ground behind Nemesis and pulled, shooting herself towards the two!

"(I'll take care of the defensive, you focus on attacking.)" Ali spoke as two tendrils came out of Nemesis' back and formed a shield. "What the?!" Ghost Spider's flying kick landed on the shield as a few tendrils grabbed her leg, making it so she couldn't dodge.

The shield was suddenly pulled down and brought Ghost Spider with it as Nemesis threw a punch at her. However, the signature ability of the Spiders, Spider Sense went off, allowing Ghost Spider to dodge in the nick of time as the other two Spiders also took action.

Spider Man attacked Nemesis as Silk shot webs at Ghost Spider and tried to pull her away from Nemesis while Nemesis was fighting Spider Man.

However, as Nemesis dodged Spider Man's attack and attacked just for Spider Man to dodge, a few more tendrils shot at the webs that were attached to Ghost Spider and immediately pulled.

"Shit..." Silk let out before she was pulled with enough force to go flying towards Nemesis. But she quickly shot some webs at the ground and balanced herself while the tendrils flew towards her.

She dodged all of the incoming tendrils by jumping around, however, one of the tendrils managed to scratch her, causing a small wound to appear on her skin.

The damage was insignificant, but it was enough for Ali to smile in satisfaction as Silk's blood was absorbed into the tendril! "(Natasha, I'm gonna leave the fighting to you for a moment.)" Unbeknownst to the Spiders, Ali immediately absorbed the blood so that he could copy the Spider Sense!

This ability was far too broken, and since Ali knew how messed up it was, there was no way that he was gonna pass on copying it! The reason why he was hell bent on taking Silk's was because her Spider Sense, or known as Silk Sense, was actually the strongest among the Spider Tokens!

It allows her to react significantly faster in combat, has superior range, and can even sense the identity of an attacker before a fight begins. Just the normal Spider Sense is already messed up, so why wouldn't Ali want to have the stronger version of the Spider Sense?

The fight went for a little while as Ghost Spider managed to free herself since Ali was focused on copying Silk's abilities and Natasha fought the Spiders with Ali's assistance.

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