𝐪 𝐮 𝐚 𝐭 𝐨 𝐫 𝐳 𝐞.

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Two pairs of hands shook me awake as the ringing in my ears returned. My head ached, but the blood had dried by now. I peeled my eyes open to see Vanya running towards the four of us.

"Are you okay?" She asked, anxiety written all over her face.
Allison pulled herself up from the floor, using the desk as support, before sighing, "Vanya?"
"Physically or emotionally?" Klaus asked, whilst him and Diego helped me to sit upright.
"You're alive..." Diego said, as she smiled down at us apologetically.
"Did we just save the world or what?" It was now that it occured to me that Klaus had not been here when I'd passed out. He must've plucked up the courage to stop hiding.
"I think so. Building's still here." Allison chuckled, as a smile crept over my lips.
"Klaus, you did it! You saved the world, oh my god!" I threw my arms around him as he smiled and patted my head affectionately.
Diego checked his watch and his face lit up, "Kennedy's a few minutes away," he said, standing up, "I can still save him!"
"No, Diego! Wait!" Allison heaved herself up, squeezing Vanya's shoulders as she ran after Diego. I followed the pair, stopping to hug Vanya tightly.

I turned the corner just in time to see Diego running off, leaving Allison stood by the window. She watched as more and more people gathered into the crowds below. I hurried after him in a desperate attempt to stop him. Something felt all wrong about this. It was too easy. Admittedly, it wasn't that effortless, but you'd have thought it'd take a lot more to save the world.

I rushed down the stairs, three at a time, keeping Diego in sight. He ran out of the building as I hopped off of the last step. As the president's motorcade turned the corner, Diego dashed over to a man with a black umbrella, as I followed close behind.

"Diego!" I yelled after him, but the noise of the crowd blocked out my voice. He wasn't slowing as he approached the man, and I realised what he was about to do. "Diego, don't!"

I ran off of the road as the motorcade was just feet away from me. Diego tackled the man to the ground, and I came to a stop, just behind him. I sighed, leaning against my knees to catch my breath. Gunshots rang out behind me and I jumped at the unexpected sound. Diego whipped around to face the sound, revealing that the man was not his father, as he'd thought it was. Diego glanced at me defeated and I gave him an apologetic look.

"Where the hell is he?!" He knelt down and grabbed the man's collar, before he pulled out a small piece of paper and handed it to Diego. He unfolded it to reveal three words: Told you so.

Diego stood, sorrow evident on his features. I wanted to comfort him, but I wasn't sure he wanted me to. Besides, before I could, a familiar voice yelled to me. I turned my head to see the face I'd been longing to see since he left: Five. Stood beside him was Luther, grinning like an idiot. Diego smiled weakly, encouraging me to go. So I did.

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