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Jerry walked into the coffee shop and called across to the only person he recognized.  "Hey!  I know you.  You're that chick from the party- you don't like me very much, do you?"

 Marie looked up from her little corner table and spied Jerry looming over her.  

"Yeah, that's me.  You know, it's funny- none of my friends think of me as a chick.  But yes, I'm the young woman from the party at Littell Hall.  My name is Marie."

"I'm Jerry."

"I know, Jerry.  And just because you didn't score with me, it doesn't mean I hate you.  You acted like having Shirley Temple curls and being the twin of Adonis entitled you to have any female you wanted.  It doesn't entitle you to anything, Jerry- at least, not with me.  I don't hate you.  I don't even dislike you- I think you're kind of funny.  But I can't stand the way you acted that night.  have a seat, please, if you can act like a normal, decent guy."

Jerry sat.  "No bad pickup lines?"

Marie smirked and said, "Not unless you want me to laugh."

"I'm sorry about the way I acted that night, Marie.  I know saying sorry doesn't count unless I change.  I won't treat you like that again.  You're a classy girl- excuse me, young woman.  "Marie smiled.  "You can call me a girl, just don't call me a chick.  And don't act like a fool."

Jerry hung his head and nodded.

Marie closed her book and pushed her work to the side.

"So, what are you doing here, Adonis?  This isn't your regular hangout.  You won't find many hot chicks at the library at this time of day."

Jerry said, "I'm not looking for chicks.  Can we  forget about that?  I apologized, and I meant it."

Marie looked down.  "You're right- now I'm being a jerk.  I'll shut up.  But I'm surprised to see you here.  It doesn't seem like your kind of place."

"My roommate, Dylan, asked me to meet him here.  We're trying to get to know each other better.  I don't know how we were paired as roomies- we couldn't be more different.  He reminds me of you.  maybe you'll get to meet him later."

"I know Dylan.  I met him at the party.  After you embarrassed yourself, I saw him all alone, not knowing how to talk to girls.  Sometimes that's kind of attractive."

"Really?  Maybe I'll try that approach sometime."

Marie assured him, "Forget it- you couldn't pull it off."

"No, probably not.  So wow, you know Dylan!"

She said, "Yup.  I'm picky about my friends, but he's the best."

Jerry began to get up and said, "I'm gonna get something- probably just coffee.  Gotta keep my Adonis you want anything?"

She answered, "I don't care about my body,  I'll have coffee and a blueberry muffin."

"I'll get it, Marie.  And your body is perfect- I mean that from a purely artistic point of view, OK?"

"Please, no assessment of my body.  Just get my coffee and muffin, Adonis.  Thanks."

When Jerry returned, he asked about Dylan.

"Do you know anything about his wannabe girlfriend?"

Marie leaned her head on her hand.  "Yeah...there isn't much to it, except he likes her, and she likes him, and they don't know how to take the next step.  If there's any way I can help him, I want to do it.  I think this is an important thing for Dylan."

Jerry sat up, pulling his chair closer to the table.  "Yeah, me too.  I don't know what either of us can do, but I have a feeling he's going to need help before this adventure is over.  I'm thinking...if we work together, maybe we can help him, in some kind of behind-the-scenes way. "

"Good idea, Adonis.  We'll do better if we work together.  I'm worried about him.  So many things can go wrong!"

Jerry sighed and said, "I envy him. He found a girl and decided she's the most special thing that could ever happen to him.  I've never felt that way."

Marie leaned across the table and spoke softly.  "Maybe, if you spent more than one night with a girl, you'd discover something special about her.  You could call her sometime, and ask her to just hang out with you.  Try to have fun without sex."

He laughed.  "You can do that?  Really?"

Rolling her eyes, she answered, "Yes, Adonis, some chicks actually LIKE to be noticed for more than quick, meaningless sex.  Girls like to be recognized as humans...not just temporary sex toys.  You have so much to learn."

Jerry smiled.  "A few weeks ago, I was offering advice to Dylan about scoring with chicks...young women.  now I'm watching him, and trying to learn about love from the master."

Marie giggled and said, "Dylan certainly understands what he wants.  He wants to be in love, and I admire him for that."

Jerry said, "Me too.  I want something like that."

"If you really mean that, Jerry, you won't have a problem.  You'll find what you want."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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