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"I was quiet, but I was not blind."

- Jane Austen

/\ Pepper Potts' POV /\

"Send out an email, send everyone home for the rest of the week." I looked up from where I was standing behind my desk. The intern standing by the door nodded and started tapping frantically across the tablet she was holding.

I swear, Happy managed to put the fear of God in every intern we hired somehow. He tried, but he couldn't scare anyone. Except the interns.

"With the attack on the Triskelion, Tony's not sure if whoever did it will be targeting Stark Industries. And tell Happy I need to see him." I added, sitting down slowly.

I began cleaning up the files on my desk, organizing them and putting them in drawers. Bouncing my leg anxiously, my thoughts drifted to Elizabeth.

I hoped she could get the flash drive for me. No one knew it was with her, so she shouldn't be in any danger, but it still concerned me.

"You asked for me?" Happy's voice shook me out of my head, bringing me back to the moment.

"Oh yes, Happy." I nodded at the intern with a smile, letting her know she was dismissed as well.

Once she was gone and the doors were completely shut behind her, I spoke.

"Can you call S.H.I.E.L.D.? Have them come sweep the building once everyone leaves. Tony thinks there may be more bombs, so keep it on the down low. We don't want everyone freaking out."

"Yeah, I'll give them a call. What time did you tell everyone to leave at?"

"I told them as soon as possible. Said I was giving everyone the rest of the week off because of the gala Friday."

"I'll send the message and then ready the car to take you home." He nodded.

"Actually, that won't be necessary. Elizabeth is bringing me something, so I'm going to stay here just a bit longer. But I can call a car when I'm done."

"No, I'll stay with you until you're done." Happy insisted, making me frown.

"Are you sure? You've been taking care of so much-"

"It's no problem, really." He shook his head and I nodded.

"Okay, thank you Happy."

He nodded and left my office. I listened to the quiet click of the glass doors and turned my head back to the computer, hoping Elizabeth would text me soon that she had the flash drive.

/\ Wanda Maximoff's POV /\

"I hope you're prepared to contain this in case it goes off anyway." Natasha gritted out from where she was kneeling on the ground, currently attempting to defuse the bomb set to go off in one minute.

"I'm ready." I flexed my fingers, feeling the chaos magic warm my skin like a fresh ray of sun.

"How many are there?" Sam approached, his wings folding in behind him. He'd flown in through the large glass wall to the right, which had previously been damaged from a different bomb that had been blown before we arrived.

"Four went off, two were fake, and this is the third one we've had to defuse." She bit out.

"Wanda -" I could see the fatigue getting to her after trying to defuse the third bomb in a row.

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