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Feli's POV:
Alarms were sounding as I ran with my fratello, my heart pounding harshly in my chest. We were finally going to escape this hell hole! I looked at my fratello and smiled. Fourteen years of being experimented on, it's finally over.
"GET THEM BACK IN THEIR CELLS! THEY ARE TOO UNSTABLE TO BE OUT!" A guard yelled. Tch. Unstable my ass. If anything, we are stable and in control from years of practice. They just think we're unstable because they gave abilities to the people who fucking hate them with a passion, us. As we were running down the white hallway, we heard footsteps trailing behind us. Lots of them.
"Dammit!" I heard my fratello curse beside me as we continued running. Quickly, I scanned the hallway for anything useful. I saw thin but strong metal pipes running along the walls. I smirked.
'Perfect.' I thought and quickly put my hand on my fratello's shoulder, making us stop running.
"Feli! What the hell?!" He looked at me in shock.
"I have an idea." I told him as I ran over to the pipes. "Lovi do you think you could get these off of the walls to block their path?" I looked at him and he suddenly smirked knowingly.
"Move." I did as he said. He held his right hand out towards the pipes. Suddenly, the gravity just got heavier as he used it to pull the pipes towards him. He took the pipes and made it so that the guard's can't get through.
"Now Feli!" He stepped back. Quickly, I conjured some electricity in my hands and made a lightning bolt hit the pipes, turning them into an electric fence.
"That should stay charged for at least a few hours." I said, admiring our work. Maybe when we escape and we get a house, I can make an electric fence just for fun. Hopefully my fratello will let me. We turned around and started running again as we heard the footsteps coming closer. Just as we turned the corner, we heard a blood curdling scream of pain, I smirked.
'It seems they found my bug zapper.' I chuckled. Pride filled my chest. I am so making a security system when we get a house.
Lovi's POV:
I watched my fratello as he practically glowed with pride. I shook my head, chuckling quietly to myself. Honestly, he's too optimistic for his own good. I mean seriously? It was just some stupid metal pipes and fucking electricity. Nothing special. Suddenly, as we turned another corner, we saw multiple guards blocking our exit, pointing guns at us.
Instantly, we stopped running and I pushed my fratello behind me. He may have come up with the electric pipes idea, but he is unbelievably childish. He doesn't even cuss. I mean seriously?! How the hell is he still that innocent even after what we went through?! Sometimes I wonder about him.
I scanned the guards, staying tense and ready for attack. I smirked as I saw a slight flicker of fear in their eyes. What idiots. I hope they know that guns don't solve shit when dealing with me.
I heard the clicks of the safety being taken off of the guns as they aim them at me. Apparently not. Tch. What fucking dumbasses.
Suddenly, they shot at us. Quickly, I stopped the bullets in mid-air, capturing them in my gravitational pull. I looked at the bullets, then at the guards that were frozen in terror. I smiled which made them instantly back up in fear.
"I'm sorry," I said, "I didn't know we were playing catch. Here...I'll play with you guys." Suddenly, I turn the bullets around and I shoot them, making the guards instantly fall and die. " were supposed to catch them not die on me..." I fake whined, then I chuckled. They shouldn't have messed with me. Severe consequences are given by me if it happens. Depending on who it is anyways. I looked to my fratello and he looked back at me. We both nodded and cautiously walked to the exit.
Peeking outside, we saw a motor boat tied to a metal post on this fucking abandoned oil rig, and two guards on night duty. By the looks of things, the guards were new here and most likely didn't know us. Perfect. Looking to my fratello, I saw that he had the same idea. I nodded to him. It's up to him now.
Feli's POV:
I smiled happily, knowing that I get to play one of my most favorite games. Happily, I got out of my hiding place behind the door and skipped over to the guards. The guards looked at me confused, not drawing their guns. Obviously they don't think I'm a threat. Good, it means that my plan will work. I looked at them, smiling innocently.
"Ve! Hey guys! I'm the new janitor here! Nice to meet you!" I said, using my happy-go-lucky personality to my advantage. The first guard walked up to me and held out his hand, I shook it.
"Nice to meet you too, May we ask you of your name?" He asked.
"Si! Name's Veneziano or Vene for short," I replied using my code name as to not give away my real one. "May I ask of yours?" He nodded.
"Name's Dan, my friend here," he pointed to the guard next to him. "Is James." James smiled and waved at me. I looked at both of them. They looked nothing more than fifteen. A year younger than me and my fratello. Probably forced into this job by their unsuspecting parents. I almost felt sorry for them. Almost.
"Ve! Hey guys! I have an idea!" They looked at me. "How about we play a game? I'm off duty right now and I bet it's Boring out here. Right?" They looked at each other in thought. After a minute, they looked to me and nodded. I smirked slightly. This will be fun.
"What game should we play?" Dan asked.
"Ve! I was thinking rock paper scissors. How about you guys?"
"That sounds fine by me." James shrugged.
"Sure." Dan said. I chuckled as we got into a circle. We held out two fists and got ready.
"Ready?" They nodded, and we started. "Rock, paper, TAZER!" I suddenly screamed and put my fingers into the scissors form, putting an electric charge in them and hit both guards in the sides, tazing them. They fell to the ground unconscious just as my fratello ran up. He looked at them, then at me.
"Wow," he poked one of them with his foot. "That was actually somewhat amusing. Nice job."
"Thanks, although I kind of feel bad for them, they're too young to be in a place like this." I stared at them. He nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, but there's nothing we can do about it. Come on, let's go." He walked over to the boat and climbed into it. I took one last look at Dan and James. I had a feeling that I'd meet them again someday. Hopefully, they forgive me for what I had to do. Smiling sadly, I turned away and ran to the boat, climbing in. It seems my brother found the keys because he untied the boat from the post and started the motor. As we kept getting further away from the horrible place, I couldn't help but think. What will happen now? Suddenly, my fratello looked at me and smiled.
"Happy sixteenth birthday Feli."
"You too Lovi." I smiled. Only time will tell what's going to happen to us. All we have to do is wait.

A/N: hey guys yumi here! I hope you all like the prologue to this story. I meant to post it a while ago but haven't had time to publish it until now. Anyways, please vote and comment. By the way, I do not own hetalia! Byes!
- Yumi-san

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2015 ⏰

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