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How you two met.

You were working at Gus's games and grub, scrubbing away enthusiastically at a marinara sauce stain that had just been sitting there for two weeks. You sighed as the door opened. You looked over, seeing a usual Lincoln Loud, but he was with an older girl. She looked about your age, blonde, and looked kinda grossed out. Well, you can't blame her. The lead manager barely pays the janitors.

"Welcome to Gus's games and grubs. Can I help you with anything?" You asked, a goofy smile plastered across your lips.
"Yeah, I was wondering if I could get my sister a job here. Where can I find a manager?" Lincoln asked.
"Well, Lincoln, I recently got promoted!" You said happily.
"Wow! Congratulations, Y/n. Well, willing to get my sister a job? She recently got broken up with by her boyfriend, and she wants to buy a new dress to make him jealous!" He said.
"Huh, well, does she have any previous jobs?" You asked.
"I don't... Think so?" He said.
"Oh, well. Sure." You said.

She introduced herself, and you two hit it off pretty fast.


You've been trying to become a fashionista since... Well, forever. Which was why you were currently standing in front of a clothes store in the Royal Woods Mall. You usually came there for either three things.

One, is fashion ideas.
Two, fabric.

Third, you'd never admit it, but you might have a tiny crush on one of the workers there. Sometimes, you came over for all three.

You went inside, and almost immediately Leni, the girl you like, came over.

"Hey! I've seen you here before. I've seen the stuff you buy, and I think you should totes check out some new stuff we got recently! It will all, like, fit you so perfectly!" She said. Your face flushed red before hesitantly accepting her offer. You both spent an hour just talking about fashion.


You are the drumist in a music band, and it was known across royal woods, hazeltuckey, and other parts of Michigan. You and your four other band members are dead-set on a goal to get to Mick Swagger's level. You, the bassist, lead singer, pianist, and guitarist, all still attend school, however. You guys aren't popular, however, as you guys wear full-faced masks so you guys are unrecognizable.

You were in music class, and your teacher was explaining stuff until something piqued your interest.
"We will be doing a partner project! You and another person will have four days to compose lyrics to a song, extra credit is given to those who also make a music sheet!" She said. "Now, I will be drawing names!" She continued before calling out random duos, until your name was called.
"Y/n L/n, and Luna Loud." She said. "Now, pair up and start discussing ideas!" She said.

You saw as Luna walked over to you.
"Hey, dude! Ready to rock this assignment?" She asked, pulling a chair next to yours.
"Yup! Hey, do you want to do the extra credit assignment?" You asked.
"Sure, brah!" She said.


You had called a business for your little sibling's birthday party, and you hired a clown. Once she got there, you realized just how fun she really was, despite your skeptical thoughts before. She told jokes, pulled silly pranks, and best of all, made your little sibling happy on their sixth birthday.

You were kinda sad when she had to leave, but it had to be done.


ou were mad. So mad. You were throwing baseballs at a brick wall so hard that it bounced back at you twice as fast. You caught it every time, until Lynn Loud came over.

"Woah! Are you practicing baseball? Cuz I'd play!" She said, throwing you off and getting hit in the face with the ball.
"Gah!" You shouted. You groaned out of pain as you leaned you back against the brick wall.
"Ooh, that's gotta hurt." She said.
"Yeah, it did." You said, still putting you hand over your nose. You pulled your hand off of your nose and leaned your head back against the wall.
"Woah, I think you broke your nose." She said.
"What?!" You exclaimed.
"Yeah, you need to go to the nurse." She said before picking up the baseball, tossing it up and down before noticing the blood on it.
"Well, I'll be going now." You said before storming off to the nurse.
"Wait, you forgot your baseball-!" She called.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒅 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now