Catching feels (Luna)

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You sat upon a tall, thick tree as you slowly but surely wrote some lyrics down for your music assignment. You pondered and wondered and thought, but nothing good came to you. You kept flipping your pencil from the eraser to the led, constantly writing and erasing. You groaned before getting up, thinking that it might be the yellow Canary bird's constant chirping above you. You started walking over to your front door, when you heard a familiar voice.

"Man, I just can't think of anything!" You heard Luna Loud exclaim from across the street.
"Luna?" You accidentaly said out loud.
"Y/n?" She asked, turning to look at you.
"Is...That your house?" You asked, pointing to the house across from yours.
"Uh, yeah. It is." She said, looking at the house then back to you.
"Well, then I guess we're neighbors!" You said, smiling.
"Guess we are!" She said before checking both sides of the road and jogging across.

"So how's your half of the project going?" She asked.
"I cant come up with anything good! I tried to rhyme with 'yolo'." You said dissapointingly.
"Oh, dang brah. Well mine is totally bogus too!" She said.
"Let's try and do it together, instead. Maybe combining our ideas will help us finish faster." You said.
"Okay, dude. Lets try!" She said.

You both sat against the tree in your lawn, coming up with words slowly but surely. Soon enough, the sheet was full.

"Wow! This is great!" You said with a chuckle. Luna couldnt help but think you looked great while smiling, and soon enough she felt her face warm. She felt a smile creep onto her face. She felt butterflies in her stomach as you both just sat in the tranquil environment.

"So, wanna do the extra credit tomorrow?" You asked.
"Yeah, cya!" She said before standing up and slightly jogging over to her house before her face could turn any redder.

Luna slamed the front door shut, getting all ten of her siblings attention

"Woah, Luna, are you okay? Your face is red!" Leni asked in a concerned manner.
"Yep! Just fine, dudes!" Luna said, rushing up the stairs.

"I wonder what that was all about." Lola said.
"Should we check on her?" Lincoln asked.
"She did run up those stairs really fast, what if somethings wrong?" Luan asked.
"Yeah we should check on her." Lori said.

Luna was looking up at her Mick Swagger poster on her ceiling, softly muttering the lyrics she'd written with you.

She was interrupted from her daze by the door opening.

"Are you okay, Luns?" Luan asked.
"Huh? Yeah. Never been better." Luna said, sitting up.
"Then why was your face so red?" Lola asked.
"Uhhh..." Luna struggled to come up with an excuse.
"Wait, do you like someone?" Lucy asked. Luna halted at the question. There was an abrupt amount of squeals.
"Who is it? Who is it?!" Lola shouted.
"Uh, their name is Y/n..." Luna said kinda quielty.
"The neighbor across the street!?" They all shouted.
"Yeah." She said.
"Oh my gosh!" Leni said before everyone squealed again.

Soon enough, they all left Luna's room. Only Luan staying, as it was already eight p.m. Luna went to sleep smiling.

(Sorry it sucks and it took so long, lack of motivationnn)

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