"Are you free this weekend?"

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Asking each other out!!

After work on a Friday, you decided to ask Lori out on a date. Tension had risen between you two and you just couldn't resist anymore.
"Would you like to go on a date this weekend?" Is what you asked, basically shaking in your shoes. She said yes quickly before hugging you and going home.

Everybody just assumed that you two were dating, and when you asked her out she was confused.
"Leni, do you wanna go out with me sometime?"
"Oh, so like to the store or something? Ee! Best friend bonding!" She squealed.
"No, Leni, I meant-"
She said yes after you explained what you meant.

You and Luna being in bands and all, it wasn't easy to find any time windows to hang. But when you did, you made the most of it. It wasn't long until you asked her out.
"Hey, Luna?"
"Do you wanna go out?"
It was really chill.

You and Luan actually went to the same school and had a few classes together, so you guys hung out quite a bit, becoming good friends before you asked her.
"Hey Luan? Do you wanna go out...?" You asked timidly.
"Sure!" She said, she seemed really cool about it but she was actually freaking out inside.

"Hey we should hang out." She said.
"I guess." You said.
After that you guys kinda just grew closer before doing any of the couple stuff, like holding hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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