Chapter 7

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Even though her plan was finely tuned, she did not discount the option of a malfunction at some point. Even so, she had no intention of backing down when she was so close to her primary goal, the first step in her utopian quest.

She had to trust her predictions. Didn't they say, after all, that nothing is achieved without risk?

Once all the preparations were completed, her pockets carefully filled and her soft leather gloves put on, the young woman had left her room through a window, so as not to attract the attention of the guards and servants, grateful for the fact that she was only on the second floor. And that, in addition to that, her room looked out onto the street, according to her previous requests.

No one could have suspected that this request was a disguise for an irrepressible urge to get some fresh air at one o'clock in the morning, could they? And, more importantly, who could have predicted that the black canvas pants and pink hoodie she had packed would serve to better glide down the gutters?

She had also retrieved one of her many pairs of sneakers, which Aiko had placed in one of her overflowing suitcases, the one reserved for shoes.

After several minutes of skillful and silent maneuvering, Yui finally felt her feet touch the ground, a concrete sidewalk.

Carefully pulling her hood back over her black and white hair tied up in a tight bun, concealing the blindfold she wore at the same time, the young woman set off with a determined, but no less cautious step, knowing that she could not use her eyes and that she had not brought her cane.

She had memorized the route from her hotel to the Armed Detective Agency, using the instructions dictated by the robotic voice on her computer, before of course erasing all traces of her history.

She knew every turn to take and to avoid, but she was not safe from an unexpected obstacle on the way.

Now walking up a wide avenue, she knew that the third turnoff was the one she should take. She counted the number of times she passed an adjacent street, thanks to the current of air that rushed in and caressed her stretched out forearm, before arriving at her destination, without any difficulty. The surroundings were calm.

Now in front of the building she wanted to find, she began to look for the location of the café which should normally be under the agency, knowing that the building was closed at this time of the night.

So, taking out a thick, sealed envelope with an incredibly soft touch, testifying to its exorbitant price, Yui slipped it under the door of the café, knowing full well that the café would forward her letter to the Agency.

How did she know? Simple. With a café located in the same building as the Agency, it was inevitable that members of the Agency would come to the café every day.

Even if they did not, she was sure that the café would get the envelope to the recipient mentioned on it.

But if, despite all these predictions, the envelope should fall into unwanted hands, she had taken yet another precaution. Several, in fact.

She could have slipped the letter into a post office box and waited for it to arrive naturally, but she knew that this method was far too time-consuming. It would have taken several days for the letter to arrive at its destination, and she could not afford to waste time like that.

With a satisfied smile, the young woman turned on her heels, her sneakers crunching silently on the smooth concrete floor, and set off in the opposite direction, in order to return to her hotel as quickly as possible.

Before anyone could notice she was gone, in other words.



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