Chapter two: Inej

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Inej sighed deeply as she sipped her tea in the captain's cabin. They were on the way back from dealing with a line of brothels in Novyi Zem. They were sailing across and hadn't had much of an idea where they were going to go next until about half an hour ago, when she had received a missive from the queen of Ravka, Zoya Nazyalensky. The message hadn't said much, only that her presence was required at the grand palace as soon as she could get there and to come alone. She was intrigued by the message and had told her first mate, Specht, to make sail for Os Alta at once. Now, in the dead of night, as they docked at the main harbour, she stood and dressed in the clothes she had used to wear in Ketterdam when on a job. She felt a wave of nostalgia as she sheathed Sankt Petyr in her boot. She missed Kerch, the barrel, Kaz. Mabye after she had been to see the queen, this would be the time that she went back to see Kaz. But would she be able to leave? That was what she was worried about. It had almost been too hard to let go as it was, and she was worried that if she went, she wouldn't leave.
An hour later, crouching atop the highest spire of little palace, she watched Queen Nazyalensky and Nikolai walk through a walled garden together, talking. They left through a grassy door, and walked down a gravel path to a side gate. Nikolai opened the gate and shook the and of a dark, strangely familiar figure. Inej swore she could almost see the queen turning up her nose to the stranger, who was now asking back up the path with them, towards the castle, seemingly making some kind of enquiry. A hint of a voice floated up to her, almost a rasp. A shiver passes through her. Could it be? She navigated her way down the tile of the rooftop and made her way to the front gate, where a guard asked her name. "Inej Ghafa, or the Wraith, I suppose."  The letter had came addressed to The Wraith so she guessed her name might be under that. "Right through the gates and up the walk, Ms. Ghafa". Inej walked up the path and was greeted by Nikolai at the top of the path.
"The Wraith!"
"Let's walk." He steered her toward the wide open doors at the top of a set of ornate steps. "We have you in a charming little room for the night and we can all talk in the morning."
" Of course." Inej said nothing about the figure she had seen enter just a half hour earlier, preferring to keep her suspicions to herself. She walked into a room with a four poster bed and a bathroom off to the side, lay on top of the silky sheets, and drifted away.

Thank you so much for reading! I promise the action is coming soon, and please let me know what you think so I can improve! XD

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