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Archer Nyx Cullen
Today, 2:14 pm

14th of February
I fell, my valentine

typing ....
oh my god!
is this for real?

hey valentine

omg hellooo!!

how are u?

i'm fineee

super tired but still can manage ^^

bout what u said
it's true? or just playing with me?

oh 'bout my first message?
yes it was
love at first sight i guess?
you're really pretty and i'm amaze with your beauty miss ma'am

oh guess what?
14th of February
I also fell, my archer



I drop my phone accidentally
Sorry for leaving your message seen

no it's okay
btw why did u drop ur phone?
is it okay tho?

yes miss ma'am (⁠^⁠^⁠)

lord pogi na nga
pogi typings pa

what? hm?

wala hahahahah

did u eat already?

done na po, ikaw?

tapos na rin

kumusta ang pagiging president?

tiring :'(
pero masaya naman

u rest okay?

okay miss ma'am
it's late already
we still have class tom
u should get some rest
i'll see u tom to talk to you personally about my feelings because i guess it's not right to confess through online

okay hehe
goodnight sir!

goodnight miss ma'am
sleep well

Cupid Series #8: I Fell, My Valentine Where stories live. Discover now