8 Letters | Prologue

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Kim Minji had always known that she was different from other girls. While they spent their time giggling and talking about boys with her friends, she found herself drawn to one particular girl in her class. Her name was Kang Haerin, and Minji couldn't help but feel her heart race every time she saw her.

But instead of confessing her feelings, Minji chose to push Haerin away by teasing and taunting her. She made fun of her clothes, her hair, and anything else she could find to criticize. Minji knew that her behavior was wrong, but she couldn't help herself. She felt powerless to control her own feelings and so she lashed out at the one person she cared about the most

Minji's friends didn't understand her behavior either. They knew that she had a crush on Haerin, but they couldn't understand why she would choose to bully the object of her affection.

But as the days passed, Minji realized that she couldn't keep living like this. She didn't want to be a bully anymore. She wanted to be able to be honest with herself and with the people she cared about.

Kang Haerin, for her part, was confused by Minji's behavior. She couldn't understand why the girl who always made fun of her seemed to be following her around everywhere. She tried to ignore Minji's, but she couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more going on.

Haerin had always been quick to judge others, especially her bully, Kim Minji She had always assumed that Minji's behavior was a result of her being spoiled and entitled. She thought that Minji had everything she wanted and never had to struggle in her life.

She had never thought about Minji's family situation before. She had always assumed that Minji had a perfect life, but now she realized that Minji was dealing with real struggles and difficulties.

Despite this realization, Haerin couldn't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction. She had always wanted Minji to suffer and now she saw that Minji was struggling. But as she thought more about it, Haerin began to feel guilty. She realized that she had been so quick to judge Minji without knowing anything about her life.

Haerin knew that she needed to make things right. She couldn't keep judging Minji without knowing the full story. She decided to approach Minji and apologize for her harsh words. But instead 'The so called Kang Haerin bully' apologize to her.


*Fictional only
*Grammatical errors ahead
*Similarities in other stories are purely coincidence
*Slow updates

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