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Meet Kim Minji, a representation of unpredictability. She produces an air of attitude that would make even the most casual people envy her with her perfect look. She slouches in her seat in the back of the classroom, displaying a dislike for anything slightly related to academics.

"Ah, when will this be over?" Minji said, irritated, as she put her head on her table and tried to sleep so the time could pass by.

Minji is a self-proclaimed champion of relaxation, with a strong dislike for the grind of academics. She views education as simply an impediment to her actual passions: relaxation, adventure, and luxury. She's the type who creates complicated methods to prevent homework assignments rather than move a finger to complete them.

Despite her lazy attitude, Minji displays an unexplainable sense of entitlement and luxury. She was born into a wealthy family and has grown addicted to a life of luxury, expecting the world to bow to her every whim. This entitlement fuels her savage wit and razor-sharp tongue, which she employs to both seduce and destroy anyone who dares go up against her.

Surprisingly, she has a smart mind and a sharp intelligence beneath her supposedly relaxed persona. Minji is a natural conversationalist, effortlessly controlling conversations with her sharp intelligence and attractive charm. Her natural intelligence allows her to excel academically, effortlessly claiming the title of the top student in her class, much to the disapproval of her teachers and peers.

While laziness may be her dominant trait, Minji has an uncommon ability to effortlessly obtain success, which irritates other students who work hard. She looks to effortlessly achieve while barely lifting a finger, whether acing examinations without preparing or inventing beautiful presentations on the spot.

Minji leans back, half-heartedly absorbing the facts as the class discussion develops around her. It's obvious that she has no intention of getting involved but is happy to watch the insanity of academia develop from the comfortable sidelines of her own lack of interest.

Soon the bell rang, making Minji excitedly stand up and run toward the exit of the room without even saying goodbye to the professor. She hurriedly ran towards her friends, who were waiting for her. "Kim Minji, what took you so long to get here? We've been here for like a decade," said Wonyoung, who is completely annoyed because of standing.

"She probably ran to that girl again and made fun of her, so that is why she's late," Karina said while sipping her favorite drink. "What is wrong with making fun of her? She is just nothing, you know, like a lonely girl, and I did not run into her; did she even go to school lately? I hardly see her on campus. It is just the teacher that took so many years explaining the answer to that one stupid question of that student," Minji said annoyed while rolling her eyes making Karina roll her eyes too

"Can you guys just stop that? Let's just go before the bell rings again," Wonyoung said being done by the two conversation.

Kang Haerin is an example of a low-key introvert, preferring the quiet of her own thoughts to the activity of social interactions.

Haerin has an incredibly brilliant brain hidden beneath her humble personality. She possesses a wealth of knowledge and a remarkable ability to solve complex problems, effortlessly outshining her peers academically. However, her achievements remain concealed from the prying eyes of her fellow students.

Despite coming from a wealthy family, she chooses to keep her financial status hidden. She lives a low, unassuming existence, fading into the background without drawing unnecessary attention to herself. Unlike her fellow students showy displays of money, Haerin chooses to keep her riches subtle, never flaunting her fortunate status.

Haerin is shy, which makes her uncomfortable in social situations. She often disappears into her own world, speaking only when absolutely required. This aloofness creates an icy exterior, giving the impression that she is cold and distant from others. Haerin couldn't care less about her surroundings or other people's opinions, preferring to concentrate on her own intellectual pursuits.

Kim Minji, a symbol of entitlement and laziness, serves as Haerin's ultimate academic rival and tormentor within this complicated dynamic. Minji's charm and smooth-talking abilities enable her to take advantage of Haerin's introverted personality and use her as a target for her bullying. Her drive to bring her down and establish her superiority is fueled by her jealousy of her brains and achievements.

The conflict between Haerin's quiet intellect and Minji's rude behavior creates an intriguing rivalry that sets the stage for an epic battle of wits and resilience as the story continues. Haerin must find her inner strength to face every obstacle thrown her way, determined to overcome Minji's bullying and demonstrate that true brilliance extends beyond just academic achievement.

"How does the author's argument connect to contemporary philosophical debates or issues?" The professor ask and as always Haerin raised her hand again. "Yes Miss Kang" The professor said signalling the girl to answer the question.

"By addressing the nature of consciousness, individual identity, free will, and the nexus between philosophy and cognitive science, the author's thesis makes connections to current philosophical discussions. It sheds light on current debates about the mind-body issue, the persistence of the self, determinism vs. agency, and the moral ramifications of technological and artificial intelligence breakthroughs. By addressing these subjects, the author's argument advances philosophical discourse and offers insightful viewpoints on today's most serious philosophical challenges." Haerin answered it like it's the easiest question in the world and sat down. "Splendid Miss Kang." Her Professor complimented her.

"If you have any other questions about the topic, you can come to my office after school or during this lunch break, and just a reminder of your submission of your project: it will be submitted on Thursday; if you finish it, you can submit it in my office later. Okay, class is dismissed," The professor announced. While Haerin is packing her things, Danielle approaches her.

"Hey Haerin!" The girl called out, making Haerin look at her. "Listen, I have a small favor to ask. Could you bring the book I lent you last week? I really need it for my research project, and the library doesn't have a copy available," Danielle said to Haerin who is currently on her phone checking some messages. "Sure, I'll bring it since I'm done with my research," Haerin casually replied in her favor. "Thanks a lot, Haerin," Danielle said before leaving Haerin.

As Haerin was putting her things into her locker, she saw Minji running in her direction and immediately hide from her because she knew what was going to happen if they bump to each other. "That was close. What's up with her running that fast in the hallway?" Haerin thought while looking to the girl who is now like an ant to her.

"Anyway, where is Hyein? I have not seen her since this morning. I need to get my laptop from her," Haerin said to herself, walking to the hallway to find Hyein.

To be continued

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