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The next morning, Haerin walked into her classroom, her mind still preoccupied with the tasks that lay ahead. As she settled into her seat, she noticed that Minji, Karina, and Wonyoung, the trio she had always tried to avoid, were sitting nearby. Haerin's heart sank as she anticipated another day of keeping her distance.

Just as Haerin was about to lose herself in her thoughts, their professor entered the room, a stack of papers in hand. The class fell into silence, waiting for the professor's announcement.

"Good morning, class," the professor greeted. "As you know, the upcoming project requires each of you to conduct interviews on a topic of your choice. Today, I will be assigning partners for the interview portion."

Haerin's apprehension grew. She silently prayed that she would be paired with someone she felt comfortable working with. But deep down, a part of her wondered if fate had something different in store.

The professor began pairing students one by one, calling out their names and assigning partners. Haerin's name was called, followed by a pause. She held her breath, dreading what would come next.

"Haerin, your partner will be... Minji."

Time seemed to stand still as Haerin's eyes widened in disbelief. She turned her gaze towards Minji, whose face mirrored the shock Haerin felt.

Minji exchanged a quick glance with Karina and Wonyoung, who both wore smirks of amusement. The realization that fate had indeed thrown them together stirred mixed emotions within Minji. A part of her was intrigued by the prospect of working with Haerin, while another part clung to the resentment that had built up over the years.

Haerin mustered the courage to meet Minji's gaze, her eyes searching for a hint of what was to come. They locked eyes for a fleeting moment, a silent understanding passing between them. Haerin chose to see this unexpected partnership as an opportunity for growth and a chance to bridge the divide between them.

The professor continued with the pairings, but Haerin's mind remained fixated on the new dynamics that would unfold between her and Minji. She knew it wouldn't be easy, given their history, but she was determined to approach the project with an open mind and a willingness to collaborate.

As the class erupted into whispers and murmurs, Professor Lee intervened, her voice cutting through the noise. "I understand this may come as a surprise to all of you, but I believe in the power of collaboration and growth. Sometimes, the most unlikely partnerships can yield the greatest results."

Haerin took a deep breath, her introverted nature preparing for the challenge ahead. She knew she had to approach this partnership with an open mind and give Minji a chance, despite their tumultuous past.

Minji, on the other hand, clenched her fists, her initial shock giving way to a mix of annoyance and curiosity. Working with Haerin was not what she had expected or desired, but deep down, she couldn't ignore the intrigue that lingered beneath her disdain.

Professor Lee continued, "Remember, this interview project is an opportunity for growth and learning. I encourage each pair to communicate, leverage each other's strengths, and learn from one another. You might discover unexpected qualities in your partner that will benefit both of you."

The class settled down, accepting the challenge set before them. Haerin and Minji exchanged a brief glance, their eyes reflecting a mix of apprehension and determination

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