2 | Anastasia II

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    Revenge always finds a way of leaving a bitter taste in your mouth.

Present day

             A N A S T A S I A

Delving this deep into the thick green mass of trees has never scared her before, neither would it begin now.

A long time ago, Anastasia had made this place her home, her sanctuary. She has crafted for herself a niche amongst the trees and dangerous creatures that inhabited the woods.

This  woods, her woods . As she always lay claim in her nonexistent heart.

They left her with nothing but an already healed scar, one which was slightly visible on her left shoulder blade. The years has been fair to her in concealing her wounds. The once red jagged burn has faded into a pale color, almost blending in with her skin. if only those years could have healed Anastasia's blackened heart and quench her taste for revenge.

The physical pains were long gone, as it didn't last longer than a few weeks. But as for the internal pain, the overwhelming feeling of betrayal from the very people she once called family, that had been what hurt the most. It was engraved and drilled deep in her memory like the fiery hot metal that was sunk in her flesh scarring the skin.

The people of her village didn't venture into the woods  for fear of her, neither does she venture out. However, she thought them wise for staying clear of her. This Anastasia was no longer the naive shy witch, gone was that girl. In her place was a  cold-hearted little witch who would never forgive nor forget the damages she suffered in the past.

It got darker as she went about her course. Wearing nothing but a long black dress with the slit running from her mid thigh to the ground, she navigated through the familiar path with peremptory focus.

She was searching for the last ingredients for her glow portion. Her alixir wouldn't be complete without the venom from an oturu. The native animal with spiky hairs, striking green eyes and sharp claws like a wild cat lived deep in the quidax woods, and she'd stop at nothing to get a hold of it.

Anastasia gathered the ends of her dress as it was beginning to irritate her by sticking on twigs, slowing her down.

She came to a halt, ears perking up in sudden alertness as she detected  a  sound.

"It's close, I can feel it." she muttered, her lips stretching to reveal a twisted and terrifying smile, one that promised disaster.

She spun around, locking eyes with eyes as green as hers. There, beneath the covers of  thick green grasses, laid the animal, five feet away from her. As it crouched so low in disguise.

Almost finding it funny herself as she watched it's failed attempt in hiding. Without giving it time to escape from her line of vision, she began chanting some spells.

"Nas kle bu pil kansantra..." her voice becoming louder with every word that comes out of her mouth as a cloud of smoke sprung up from the  ground, encasing them in an invisible barrier.

The animal screeched and tried to claw it's way out, after becoming vividly aware of their reversed roles.  Once a predator, now a prey.

"I'll make it less painful for you, little one. It would happen so fast you won't feel a thing." She said before crooking her fingers, instantly snapping it's neck as it laid lifeless.

Walking to it's lifeless form, Anastasia crouched beside it, producing a small pointy blade and a vial from underneath her thigh, efficiently cutting through the skin of the animal as she scooped some blood into the bottle.

"Rest well, little one." She said, patting it's spiky  body after returning the vial back to her thigh. The spikes pierced her skin, drawing a little bit of blood from the severed flesh.  She didn't flinch, neither did she show any sign of pain or discomfort.

"Still a fierce little thing, are we now?" She smirked, standing up to her full height. She dabbed her now stained clothe, getting rid of the dirt smear. Luckily, the blood of the oturu didn't get on it, so she was free from doing her laundry too soon.

As the day grew darker, and the sun began to redraw back in the horizon, Anastasia spun backwards, facing the trail that led to her lair as she quickened her pace to retire early.

          ★. ★. ★.

A/N: Thanks for reading, same thanks for voting and adding to your library.
What movie did the first chapter remind you of?
Cos It reminded me of one the moment I went back to read *with just an eye opened though 🙈😄

So guys... what do you think of Ana's character?
Was this chapter boring? *Me__ YES!!!!
Are we getting to the interesting part soon? *Me__Most likely.


I've written my test, guess what? *Me___ I have two more next week.🥺
See you soon, my Kupkakes 💜

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