Chapter 26: Angelic Past

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Moments before...


As I walked back to the group, Michael waved his hand, gesturing for me to walk a ways away from them. I hesitantly joined him, having the desire to fly away- if I had a human heart it would be beating rapidly to escape.

He walked on the snow, allowing himself to walk on top of it- probably just because he could. I spread my wings, now invisible to the humans, and floated over to the great commander. "I sense this could be a sensitive time for the girl."

"I don't really care," I noted. "I mean, I could but-"

"I'm sure you don't," Michael replied, cutting me off from trying to make myself sound less personally involved. "Nevertheless, change your sound, if you please. Frequency nine three seven please." There were a number of frequencies invisible and inaudible to humans, by manipulating the matter in our bodies, we could make ourselves invisible, inaudible, and, at times, even impossible for them to feel. We could even control the pull, the force humans knew as gravity. An angel could, where the perception of humans was concerned, appear and disappear at will. Even so, if we changed our bodies inappropriately there could be discrepancies between ourselves. It was difficult to make ourselves imperceptible to other angels, entirely anyway, but to make ourselves sound garbled or hazy to each other was easy enough.

To the humans, Micheal looked like a human with two massive wings like an eagle. I myself, in my natural form, looked like a creature with four wings and four heads. In truth, the natural forms of we angels were multi-dimensional.

If I revealed ALL of my true form to a human, provided he was able to stand the sight for more than a few seconds, he would see a creature that ALWAYS faced him- if two humans saw me at the same time, both would see me as ALWAYS facing them no matter how far they traveled from me. They would see eyes everywhere on my body. The face facing them would be the active face of the time, my human head if I was using my creative and thinking capacity, my bullhead when I was acting with anger and rage, my lion head if I was confident and happy, and finally my eagle head when I was afraid or sad. And yes, it was indeed possible to, for instance, contemplate while acting in anger- so two or more heads could be constantly facing a being at once.

To see Michael in his true form was to see what humans saw- but to see the world around him differently. Light and sound around him changed with his mood. If he were angry, everything around him for a decent range would become red, if he was sad, the surroundings would become dark, if he was happy, the world would take on a kind of yellow glow.

Angels were creatures of concept just as much as we were physical, just as humans were, though only so many of them understood this. Reality has many dimensions, only a few of which humans seem to fully grasp. One dimension is a point in space, two is a two-dimensional shape, like a triangle or circle, and three is a three-dimensional figure, like a cube- or the body of a human. The fourth dimension is time- time is the final dimension humans seem to fully grasp. The fifth dimension is the void- non-existence. The void is nothing, but an incredibly complex nothing-it is a hole in reality. It allows travel between points in space without actually interacting with the space between those points. Pharaohs had realized the existence of the void, calling it "Q-ton" and used it to accomplish interplanetary space travel. Even angels find the void to be a mystery and our manipulation of it is limited.

The sixth dimension is the dimension of concept. Concepts, like math, emotion, and morality are things that exist. Every number or equation exists by a series of rules, like a physical object. Those rules can no more be changed than the laws of matter and energy that human science used them to discover- humans realize this of course, but many do not realize the consequence of this. Numbers are things, not just ideas. They affect the world in visible ways. Ideas, at times, are more than just images and impulses in the mind of a subject- some thoughts and some feelings have power. Some thoughts and some feelings can affect the world, giving it structure or changing that structure in subtle or dynamic ways.

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