Chapter 3

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  Athena's pov
   I wake up sweaty and gross after my nightmare. It wasn't too bad just the normal. I look down to see Marco still sleeping. I carefully get up without waking him

'good job Thea' karma says congratulating me

'Thanks Karma' I say hyping myself up

'Of course' *dramatic hair flip*.

I'm going to go shower now and clean up.

After all the hygiene

Once I'm done all my hygiene I go into my room to get dress and notice Marco isn't there anymore, 'he probably just woke up and went downstairs' I thought while getting dressed into a cute cropped black shirt with ripped jeans

  Once I'm done all my hygiene I go into my room to get dress and notice Marco isn't there anymore, 'he probably just woke up and went downstairs' I thought while getting dressed into a cute cropped black shirt with ripped jeans

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*without purse*

'I need to ask them if they have a gym, I haven't worked out in two day, ima get fat soon' I think while walking back into my room

'Yea you will' karma says

'Oh shut up you motherfucking bitch'

'Cranky are we?' She says teasing me

'Now that your here, yes' I shot back while internally rolling my eyes.

After my debate with the idiot known as karma I go downstairs for breakfast making a mental note to ask about the gym.

I enter the kitchen with my famous cold, emotionless face and 'I don't give a fuck' attitude. As soon as my foot enters the kitchen I feel small hands wrap around my legs. Looking down to see Marco my gaze softens.

'Your going soft, softie' karma says mocking me

'Oh shut it dimwit, he's only a child' I defend back.

'Like I said, softie' she argues back.

'Yea sure whatever, shut up' I say back internally rolling my eyes

(A/N she's not saying this out loud, karma is her consciousness)

Kneeling down to his height so he can properly hug me - which he does - I say, "hey buddy, how'd you sleep".

"Weally gwood, you" he says back.

'Such a gentleman at a young age' I think after responding, "I slept great, thank you bud".

I go to stand up but he keeps his arms around my neck. 'Maybe he wants me to hold him' I thought so I ask "want me to hold you" he nods into my shoulder so I stand up with him I'm my arms. I look up to see my family looking at me in awe. 'I forgot they were even there' I think, sheepishly. 'Oh well'. I go to my seat, put Marco on my lap and get some food for me and Marco to share. It's not much but I don't have a big appetite so I'll be fine. I cut it into pieces to make it easier for Marco to eat as we don't want him to choke. After cutting some up for him I feed him and myself.

After eating all I wanted I look towards d-Alessandro subtly asking to be excused. He nods and I whisper to Marco if he wants to get dressed and take a bath, to which he agreed to. I pick him up so he's on my hip and start my journey to his room so he can get dressed and bathed.

I go into his room and it's cute. It's avengers themed and I love avengers.

Picture of his room below

We go to his closet and I put him down and tell him to pick his clothes

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We go to his closet and I put him down and tell him to pick his clothes. He picks out an all black outfit and says, "cwan we match" with puppy eyes. He doesn't need puppy eyes I'd say yes either way.

"Of course we can, whenever you want" I say while booping his nose. He giggles and we head to my bathroom and give him a bath.

After his bath he got tired so I put down for bed. As I'm leaving his room he holds onto my hand. I look back at him to see him about to cry. Rushing to him I kneel down, "what's wrong buddy, are you ok, what happened?" I ask with concern clear in my voice. He looks at me with glossy eyes, "will you be hwere wen I wake up" he looks so sad. "Of course I'll be right here until you fall asleep then  going to head downstairs to handle some stuff". He nods and cuddles up into my side.

After a couple minutes he's asleep so I slip out of his careful not wake him and head downstairs to ask them about the gym. I look around and spot Matteo. He's working on something, most likely the mafia so I don't interrupt him. I'm about to head up but he stops me. "Is something wrong?" He asks. He sounded actually concerned, I nod, "yea I was just wondering if you had a gym?" I ask with hope obvious in my tone but my face void of any emotions. He nods and tells me to follow him.

"Hold on really quick let me get changed into my workout clothes, I'll be right back" I say, not wanting to workout in jeans.

I come back down and he starts leading me to the gym. As we're about to reach the gym I feel my phone vibrate and hear my ringtone. Matteo looks back at me and I look at the caller ID and see 'Eli' on my phone. SHIT, I completely forgot to tell him. My eyes widen when I answer and hear Eli's shouts on the other side. "THENA, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, IVE BEEN SO WORRIED AND WHEN I FIND YOUR LOCATION YOUR IN FUCKING ITALY, WHAT THE FUCK ID WRONG WITH YOU, YOU IDIOT..." while he continues to rant on about how worried he was and how I'm so stupid I put the phone away from my ear not wanting to break my eardrums. After the yelling is done I put the phone back to my ear. "Yea.... Um about that, you remember the j's.."

"yeah of course I do why?" He ask

"Yea well then being the stupid bitches that they are they were drunk driving and died" I say while laughing at the end.

"Fucking finally, it took them long enough... but that doesn't explain the Italy thing". I'm not laughing anymore because now I have to tell him about my family.

I chuckle nervously, "yeah about that...

Cliffhanger.... Dun dun dun. What will his reaction be?

Come back for chapter4

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