9: Honor me

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- Loop Song -

Tsu-tey ran through the forest Sniffing the air for any scent he caught Slight Yovo before it was masked with forest musk, He snarled. She used his trick against him, He quickly covered himself in mud so she couldn't smell him as well, this now turned into a hunt, and he was getting her, one way or another.

He took off in the direction of her nest,  he followed the tracks she left, some covered with the twigs and branches she pulled with her tail to hide them, He found her determination gut burning, in a good way. Electrifying his body into a faster run to get to her. He'd follow the deeper forest musk, she'd overdone the mud, that much was certain. 

Liaka rounded to her old nest frowning with sadness at having to leave it, she yanked her knife out of the tree and took off when she heard a branch break, He ran to the tree moments after she left, following prints, he found her knife missing from the tree, and that is where he completely lost her. He hissed to himself mumbling and angry "No." and punched the tree with the side of his fist. He'd get her, he wasn't going home til he had her.

So that's how it went, her evading him for almost three days. Why he had no idea, Little did he know the Young woman was still stuck in her loneliness and memories of the past that dug their nails into her blue skin. But then one day he smelled it "Sun lilies" he mumbled taking a big sniff, his eyes glossed and dazed, "Yovo.." he sniffed again "Liaka..." he whispered her name softly like a prayer.  quickly covering himself in mud.

Before taking off in that direction, Frantic, traveling far as she had marked multiple areas to distract him from her on purpose, but he was persistent in his hunt. He thoroughly enjoyed this, he almost thought too much, he was not hunting a mate or a lost love. He was hunting his student and old friend Liaka, but if anyone saw him, they'd definitely think it was Mating antics, the chase before the inevitable catch. 

It thrilled him that way but he couldn't think that way. He soon found the strongest source of the scent and climbed the tree, unknowingly too Liaka was behind her, stalking her like prey, he got close to her back his hot breath hitting her ear and making it perk up and twitch, "Got you..." he mumbled raspily before flipping her on her back and pinning her below him, a crazy angry look on his face "You Vrrtep, I have chased you for Three whole days, Not once stopping!" She narrowed her eyes at him from below "Why leave!" he spoke adamantly as she struggled under him pitifully he might add. 

"why leave Liaka!" he asked, No demand this time. Liaka snarled "Am Not Omaticaya!" She yelled in Na'vi. He scoffed "Who told you this!" he Flattened his ears annoyed with whoever said this. her eyes lit up in a Fury "YOU!" she shoved him off and he went tumbling back into her hammock getting caught up in it "YOU LEAVE!" she yelled "YOU LEAVE NOW!" she hissed loudly, like a wild animal, eyes moving around feeling cornered "LEAVE NOW!" He struggled and hurriedly jumped from the tree and from her wrath, His ears lowered and tail still as he processed her words. He didn't know what to say what had he done to show her th--

He remembered...


The day Sylwanin was killed...she came back to the school, tears in her green eyes...and all Tsu-tey did was scream at her...

Tsu-tey knew who she was by her scent, Yovo fruit, and Sun lilies he had found out were Liaka's scent marks. "You say, friend..." Tsu-tey whispered "Su..." Liaka replied her ears lowered in sadness at his sadness her tail wagging slowly, Tsu-tey felt the Rage burning in him, the words leaving his mouth like venom running down his throat that he couldn't stop. "But you are evil Like sky people..." Her heart plummeted. "Evil...like Sky people" She whispered, The cracking in her voice was an indication of it, which set Tsu-tey into a rage "EVIL LIKE SKY PEOPLE FIVE FINGERS AND ALL!" He walked angrily up to her gripping her hand and showing her harshly "DEMON BLOOD EVIL BLOOD! KILL EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH! EVEN PURE THINGS! THEN SAY YOU WILL HEAL HER THEN DON'T!" Liaka looked at him in fear her Emeralds dimming with every word til no light was left in the giant greens staring at him. She ripped herself from him and ran out.

He didn't bother following her, He had nothing left to say, everything he said is what he needed to say. Little did he know years later he'd grow to regret ever saying any of those things.

-flashback ended-

Tsu-tey sat at the bottom of the tree, his eyes downcasted as he replayed every word in his hand, no wonder she disliked him so much, no wonder she felt she didn't belong anywhere. He looked up at the soft glow from the top of the tree, her new tree, She never spoke again since she kicked him from the tree. he didn't need her to, he already knew what he did, but he didn't understand how to fix it. he didn't want to climb back up there til he knew how...

So for the night, he sat there pondering in the dark. By the next morning, he had it all planned out and lept from his spot on the ground in the hunt for the things he needed.

He had woven a basket during the night, his tail swishing behind him, as he kneeled to the forest floor carefully uprooting the Sun lilies, two of them, root and all. moving on to his next, Various fruits, but he needed to grab a few more of a specific type Yovo, he smirked taking a bite of one, savoring the Juice, Humming. 

Liaka awoke in her hammock tears from the night before dried on her skin, she leaned up, swishing her tail lazily. she didn't feel like leaving her tree. Not now anyway. She sighed before sitting back in her Hammock braiding her Hair that got loose in the night.

She heard a sudden thud and footsteps, she turned to see Tsu-tey leap from the tree. a Basket resting at the edge. She flattened her ears in annoyance til she got to the basket, and saw her favorite things. She loved the liquid that came from the Sun lily, she thought it smelled nice. and the Yovo juice was like sunlight on her tongue, her favorite. she immediately grabbed one and bit into it, Savory, Juicy, She hummed, Her body relaxing, a Smile gracing her sleepy features.

It was a gift alone for his efforts. Tsu-tey thought to himself, The view is enough of thanks for him. He watched the woman from below. seeing her drag his basket, his scent on it, made him feel warm. She accepted the gift he thought excitedly. Phase one is complete.

The next few days Were like this, him bringing her things in his baskets. Soon enough she had in total Four baskets from Tsu-tey. All smelling of him. He got in returned the view of seeing her enjoy and accept it.

On the fifth day he brought a basket, Shells from the coast woven into it, but this time he didn't leave it. He sat down next to it, She looked towards the noise expecting only a basket, and met with Golden eyes against her greens, he basked in her gaze, grateful to be under it once again, She truly was a gift. She looked upon him with a soft gaze ears still flat in confusion Tsu-tey opened his mouth to speak "You...You are of demon blood but, You see more than even sometimes the people themselves." She looked at him, her gaze softened more and her ears twitched, "And...It would Honor me to teach you, Lead you to become one of us. If you'll allow me." 

'Honor me' 

Liaka thought to herself, This was more than she expected from Tsu-tey, She nodded Agreeing. He smiled a fangy smile and opened the basket taking out a Yovo Crawling towards her and Tearing it in half, Giving the biggest to her, She took it and took a bite, not meeting eyes with him. He thought to himself, we will work on it.

 After they ate the Yovo, they took the One special made basket and left for the Home tree, and For once Liaka didn't look back, she didn't whisper a silent 'I'll return'. She was ready to be with people again. To try once more to find her place In this World.

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