A long time ago a child was born. When the child was born he looked as if god hit the respawn button and forgot to reset the age. So he came out looking like a small old man. The mother was lucky because it was not expected that she would be able to successfully carry a child.
The child cried a lot due to pains within his stomach but overall he was a happy baby. His mother would read him stories and he even had cousins who he could spend his time with. As the child got older he faced challenges he couldn't control.
His grandmother took care of him in his early years and taught him many things about school and life. During this time his mother had fallen in love with a girl and she wasn't staying with the child very much. So most of the time his grandma took care of him. He lived with his younger aunt, grandma, and uncle/grandpa.
His uncle was an acholic and would often hide things in the boys room because the boy wanted to help him. The boy loved his uncle very much. His uncle was like a father to the boy. Even though the boy tried to hide his uncles behaviors he would still get caught by his grandma.
His uncle cause a lot of issues within the family, which caused the boy to not understand. His grandma and uncle would fight and yell about the issues the uncle was causing. The boy had no idea what to do, he just wanted to keep the family together and happy. So he kept hiding what his uncle did, for which he was often blamed for.
One day the boy came home and when he went to his room he found his mothers phone, that he liked to play games on was broken. He was really worried that his mother would be mad. However he didn't think she would be mad at him for it. The phone had holes in it that seemed like it was stabbed many times.
When the boy brought the phone to his mother, she immediately got upset. She rushed towards him blaming him for what she thought he did. She ran him into his room, even though the entire time he was trying, begging for her to see it wasn't him. The mother took an object and spanked him with it, hitting many part of him. The boy didn't understand why he was spanked for telling her. He had no idea how to act or what to do about the situation and he was upset that he made his mom mad.
His aunt who loved him very much would pick him up from his home and take him to her apartment. They would play games for hours and play all types of board games. The boy enjoyed the time away from his family. Him and his aunt would listen to music such as Taylor Swift and Katy Perry and even Kesha all the time. The boy listened to all types of music but something about the feeling his aunt gave, made him love Taylor Swift even more than everything else.
Their was days when he would wait for hours at home for his aunt to come pick him up. The most fun he ever had was always with his aunt. As she dragged him away from the drama within his family.
The Past
ContoMy life has had its up and downs and i decided to write out my story. I tried to the best of my ability to remember how i felt and what happened. This story is not 100 percent accurate but it is very close. IF you decide to read it, I hope you enjoy...