Chapter 5

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2 months later

Harry wakes to an explosion rocking the ground. He nearly falls off his bed as the entire room seems to shake. Immediately, sirens start blaring and he presses his hands to his ears, trying to stumble to his feet. He's struggling though, being 9 months pregnant and due any day now. 

Eventually he manages to raise himself from his bed, and he cradles his belly, grabbing a thick coat and his utility belt from the table by his bed. There's a frantic knocking at his door and he hears Niall's voice.

"Harry are you in there?!" his friend bellows, pounding on the door. "Harry the base is under attack we have to get out!"

Harry waddles over to the door as quickly as he can with his huge stomach and opens it to see Niall standing there, panic written all over his face.

"I know, one second," he says, turning back into his room to grab his knives and pistols, hanging them from his utility belt he had secured underneath his baby bump. He snatches his emergency backpack from it's spot by the door and pulls it on. He takes out one of the pistols from it's holster and holds it in his hand as he hurries back to where Niall's standing by the door. 

He too is wearing a backpack, presumably packed with emergency supplies and, because he's Niall, most likely a bunch of explosives as well. He's holding a gun in his hand and has it aimed down the hall.

"We have to go, Haz," Niall says, sounding tense. "We've gotta get you and the baby out of here before they blow the whole place up."

Harry nods, turning so his back is to Niall. He aims his pistol in front of him and together they walk towards the end of the hallway where an emergency door lies, covering each other back to back as they go. 

They manage to make it out the door without running into any Purge soldiers just as another explosion rocks the whole building. 

Niall takes Harry's hand and pulls him away from the door as a huge piece of concrete falls from the frame, landing where Harry had been standing just seconds before. 

"Thanks," Harry breathes out shakily. 

Niall nods, saying nothing. He gestures for Harry to follow him and he does. Together, with weapons drawn, they make their way around the building until they hear the unmistakable sounds of a battle waging before them. 

Guns are being fired, people are screaming, cars are being put into gear, most likely the Resistance trying to get the refugees to safety. Niall tries to pull Harry and himself behind the corner of the base again, but a few Purge soldiers see them and shout, alerting their friends. 

Seven troopers charge at Niall and Harry, shooting their rifles with no mercy. The two boys duck behind a fallen piece of rubble, aiming their weapons over the sides. Harry thanks the heavens above that he hasn't lost his marksman abilities over the few months he's been out of action. He's able to take down four troopers. Niall takes care of the other three easily and they breathe a short sigh of relief. 

Niall reaches down to help Harry to his feet, the pregnant man struggling to rise off the ground. 

"You good?" he asks.

Harry nods. "I'll be fine, let's just get out of here."

"We've gotta get to the cars," Niall says, scanning the battle in front of them where Resistance soldiers and refugees alike are climbing into vehicles and driving away. 

"Niall! Harry!" a voice calls and they turn to see Liam and Zayn running towards them, waving. 

"There you are!" Niall cries out, throwing his hands into the air. "We've gotta get Harry and the baby out of here."

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