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Two years later

Harry wakes up in the middle of the night. A wave of nausea washes over him and he immediately disentangles himself from Louis's arms, bolting to the washroom. He makes it just in time to empty the contents of his stomach into the toilet.

Just as he's catching his breath, he hears footsteps and suddenly Louis's kneeling next to him, rubbing his back soothingly. 

"Shh," Louis mutters, voice full of sleep. "Just let it out, baby."

Harry retches one more time before he finally feels like his stomach has settled. Louis looks over at him with worried blue eyes.

"You okay, love?" he mumbles. 

Harry nods, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Yeah, I probably just caught something from one of the kids."

Louis nods, but he doesn't look convinced. "You okay to come back to sleep?"

"Yeah, let's go."

Louis stays with him while he brushes his teeth and then they climb back into bed together. Harry snuggles into Louis's arms. His husband falls asleep almost immediately, but it takes Harry a little longer. His mind is going so many different places. He doesn't want to get his hopes up, but he's almost certain it's not a stomach bug that he has. He watches the clock tick from 2:59am to 3:00am, but eventually he too drifts off. 


"Papa! Daddy! It's mornin' time!"

Harry groans. It feels like he's only been asleep for two minutes before he feels two little hands shaking his shoulder to wake him up. 

He rolls over in bed to see Darcy staring up at him, wide blue eyes sparkling. Her curly hair is a mess on top of her head and her Paw Patrol pajamas are on backwards. 

"Papa!" she whisper-shouts. "Is time to pway!"

Harry checks the clock. 6:43am. "Darce, it's still so early, we don't have to be awake for a while."

"But Papa, I wan' pway," Darcy protests. "And I wan' pancakes." 

"Is that how we ask, baby girl?" Harry responds, not too tired to correct her manners. 

"Sowry," Darcy mumbles. "Can I pwease haf pancakes, Papa?"

"Sure, darling," Harry nods, smiling tiredly at her. "Thanks for asking nicely."

Darcy beams at the praise before moving over to Louis's side of the bed. "Daddy!" she calls, reaching over to wake him up as well.

"Hey now," Harry protests, stopping her. "Let's not get Daddy up just yet. He's still asleep and it's not very nice to wake people up."

Darcy frowns but she nods, skipping back over to Harry. 

"Can you go downstairs and play with your toys until I get there?" Harry asks her. "I'll be down in just a second to make pancakes."

"O-kay!" Darcy beams, her smile looking so much like Louis's as she skips out of the room. 

Speak of the devil, Harry looks over at his husband. How Louis slept through all of that, he'll never know, but he thinks it must be nice. 

It's then that he's hit with another wave of nausea, and he quickly scrambles out of bed, running to the washroom. He shudders as he pukes, wrinkling his nose at the smell and taste. 

When he's finished, he shakily gets to his feet. He's only felt this sick once before in his life, and that was when he was pregnant with Darcy, even if he didn't know it. At that thought, a wide grin splits over his face. Could it really be that his and Louis's months of trying for another baby have finally paid off? He silently makes up his mind to take another pregnancy test after work.

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