Chapter 14

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^^ above is kind of how I picture Darcy in case you were wondering. Just, imagine her looking a bit more like Louis (or baby Freddie for that point) and it's about what she should be :)


Three days later

Harry wakes up tangled in Louis's arms. For once, he wakes naturally, instead of to the crying of his daughter. 

Of course, that thought immediately sets his brain into a panic. Why hasn't Darcy cried this morning? Why hasn't he woken up to her wailing that she's hungry? Has something happened?

His eyes widen and he shoots up into a sitting position, his head hitting Louis's nose sharply as he does. Frantically he looks around until he finds Darcy in her little bed beside them, still sleeping sweetly. He breathes a sigh of relief. 

"Ow," Louis grumbles, shifting beside Harry and reaching a hand up to where Harry's head had hit him. 

"Sorry baby," Harry apologizes, kissing Louis's nose softly.

From across the group of sleeping people, Harry sees Liam and Zayn, who were on watch, smirking at him. He glares in their direction and they look away, returning to whatever hushed conversation they were having. Harry directs his attention back to his boyfriend. 

Louis scrunches up his face, eyes squinting against the sunlight streaming through the treetops as he massages his nose lightly with his fingers. "What happened? Why are you hitting me in the face this early?"

Harry blushes. Now that he thinks about it, it's a stupid reason. "I just..." he starts, embarrassed. "I woke up by myself, instead of from Darcy crying like I usually do, so I panicked because I thought something happened to her."

"She's right here, love," Louis mumbles tiredly, gesturing at their baby with his hand. He reaches out his arms. "Now come on, let's get some more sleep before she wakes up for real."

Harry nods, but he's still a little shaken from his baby scare. Nevertheless, he lies back down and tucks himself against Louis's chest, feeling the older lad wrap his arms around him tightly. Almost immediately, he hears Louis's soft snores, meaning he's fallen back asleep. 

Harry rests fitfully though, and he can't manage to drift off again. He finally accepts defeat when he hears Darcy start to sniffle, and he disentangles himself from Louis's arms to feed her before she starts crying. He figures he owes it to his boyfriend to let him sleep a little while longer. 

Once his daughter is fed, he sits with Louis (who is still asleep) and Darcy (who is sufficiently milk-drunk), and watches the sun rise higher into the sky. 

He holds Darcy in his lap, supporting her with his legs. He holds her tiny hands with his thumbs and forefingers, waving them about and making her do little dances, which makes her giggle her little baby giggles that he loves so much. He makes up silly songs as he plays with her and she just smiles back up at him, slobbering and gurgling happily, with wide blue eyes that gaze at his face in admiration. 

Slowly, the others begin to wake up. Without their baby-alarm-clock, they all look a little more well rested. Once they wake, Paul, Liam, and Niall leave to find food. Ella and Zayn start to make a fire, and Sara sits with Stan, talking to him to try to get his mind off the pain in his broken arm. They stay quiet though, and it's clear the group is going to have a lazy morning.

Only Louis remains asleep now and Harry chuckles, because he knows that man would sleep until noon every day if he were allowed. 

He feeds Darcy again and then the lads return with a dead rabbit in their possession. Harry figures it's time to wake Louis, so he hands Darcy off to Ella who takes her eagerly, moving to sit with Niall. 

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