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A thud above his head bought Zhan Back from his thoughts. Now you might be wondering what a twelve year old kid probably had to think so much about. Well unlike others this kid was forced to be in different circumstances.
'I hope it's not a cry baby again.' He muttered to himself and looked at the small figure he could barely see from his lying position. So he sat on the bed and stared at the younger boy with raven hair and  obsidian eyes looking down at his feet looking expreteme nervous.
An unconipus smile made its way to Zhan's lips.

"Well hello there." Zhan enthusiastically said as he stared at the nervous younger next to him. He understood the loud thud was his personal belongings he had managed to toss on top of the bunk bed.

Instead of a reply all Zhan got was an eerily silence from the younger who still not dared to look up.

"I get it, you want to climb on top of the bed but your too small for it." Zhan said earning a small nod in return. Approved, Zhan effortlessly lifted the lean boy by the armpits and sat him on the bed on top. But soon the smaller wrinkled his face in fear and looked up at Zhan for the first time.

"C-can y-you put m-me down. I'm s-scared." He stuttered making Zhan chuckle at the younger's cuteness from the inside. He helped the boy down and thought of a solution.

"Well if you are scared you can sleep in my bed. I can take the top one." Zhan said amusing himself. He hated those top beds since he was younger but he didn't understand why he was willing to give away his favourite bed for a younger kid without any dilemma.

There were still few minutes left until their dinner time. So Zhan decided to ask this intriguing new friend he'd found today some questions.

"So what's your name? I'm Zhan."

"Wang Yibo." The younger replied still staring at the brownish floor, intensely as if it's so interesting.

"Age? Though I'm pretty sure you're way more younger than me." Zhan said as they both sat on the bed after Yibo was done unpacking his small backpack.


"No way? You look way too smaller for that." Zhan said astonished as he had estimated the age to be no more than six or seven.

"Don't assume something just by the outer appearance of a person." Zhan's mouth opened and left in agape after hearing such words. Wasn't he just stuttering few minutes ago? Zhan felt like he was dumb after hearing that not going to lie.

"What the hell?" He kept staring at the younger in awe.

"What? Is Ge surprised by the thing I just said? It's true my father taught me that." Yibo said as a matter of fact face.

"You were stuttering back then. How are you speaking like an adult now?"

"Well I was just being nervous back then because I was new. But since you were kind I returned back to my normal self." Yibo replied.
Zhan still made a face of a confused unga bunga.

"I'm taught to speak in this manner as to continue my father's legacy of being an award winning conference talker." Yibo said before looking back down at the floor with a saddned face. Zhan immediately understood the situation so he decided to change it. After all he was vastly experienced on seeing a lot of kids come here after their parents death and acting the way Yibo was doing now. Not that he used to feel a slight sting inside him knowing they had a chance that he wasn't given.

But he had grown enough to understand how to just get on with his life. He was after all twelve years old now. The oldest in the orphanage apparently.

"Oh. Well the bell will ring soon for dinner." He said as he stared at the clusters of younger children playing, not minding the two of them.

Just when he said it the bell rang as a shrill of children erupted as they hurried to the dinner hall. Zhan stood up holding the hand of Yibo and guiding him to the place. Yibo feeling somewhat secure amidst the anxiety of seeing so many strangers, he tightly held the hand of Zhan as they entered a room with big tables filled with children.


A male around early twenties groaned again and collapsed on the bed.

"How much longer are you planning to study dude? I'm freaking bored." He said at the other who still didn't avert his attention from his notes.

"Until I finish revising this lesson."

"Yeah that means not today." He replied dejectedly. He was already contemplating his decisions to come here around semester exams knowing damn well about the other's nature.

"How long are you planning to act like this man? You are a freaking collage student now! At least let me help you to get that old man's clutches off of you." The other sighed hearing it.

"I told you A'xuan I've already accepted my fate. It's my own punishment. After all it was me who choose to come here on my own free will." Zhan said looking at the white ceiling above him to prevent his eyes from being wet again by the single thought about him.

The guilt kept resurface no matter his attempts to suppress like a rubber ball in water. So he had already accepted it, that it was his fault.

"It wasn't exactly like that Zhan...at least go to that place and search for him already. Seeing you like this is a pain in the ass."

"I did! And it wasn't there anymore. It had been closed after few years since my leave and even the owners were killed." Zhan said turning towards Haoxuan with a devastated face.

"I seriously don't know about this messed up situation anymore." Haoxuan muttered in frustration.

"It's fine A'xuan, it'll be over in two years. I'll get my degree and go abroad. At least he want be able to control me anymore then." Zhan said and turned his attention back to his study.

"I know I'm being selfish but I really want you to come to my birthday party tomorrow. If you want I'll ask him for permission. He'd let you go because it's just me." Haoxuan said as Zhan denied.

"It's fine. I'll come somehow."


This is for every soul who thirst over a switch yizhan fanfic and ended up with nothing cuz you have read everything that's there. ( Like me ^_^)

Btw hit me up with a comment on ur way out~~

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