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Zhan panted after successfully climbing down the wall and jumping securely off of the cement fence. He wasn't much of a sporty person to begin with. Just as he estimated, Mr Xiao had left first thing in the morning leaving an amazing opportunity for Zhan to escape in this fine Sunday morning. Yes, the temptation to see the alluring cafe employee had overpowered his senses and finally having enough he threw some decent clothes over his body and left the house accepting fate if he was bedridden for the next few days. there is a famous quote after all, "Enjoy life even if you die tomorrow,''

Soon he found himself in front of the same cafe "Mello''. Since it was an odd time to be in a cafe, he saw the place almost vacant with only few customers. Would I get highlighted if I go now? Deciding to just take his chances, Zhan went inside. He took the same seat by the window and waited till the barista he came to see, arrives. He was lost in street view when a sudden tap on his shoulder took him by surprise. His pupils dilated seeing the person he came for with his same smirk like smile.
"Are you making it a hobby to have free drinks now?'' Zhan was exactly afraid of this and he nodded his head sideways to deny.
"NO! I-I mean here the money for yesterday.'' Zhan stammered involuntary while placing the said money on top of table. Abruptly a laughter erupted making Zhan bewildered.
"Oh- Oh my god you're cute. I was just kidding you can keep the money.'' He said between his laughs while a specific word in the sentence caught Zhan so much off guard that he almost choked on his own saliva.
"Well aren't you ordering?'' Zhan suddenly realised all this time he didn't see a name tag on his shirt like the other staff members and it was just his ignorance for not noticing it earlier. He was tempted to ask his name but decided it would be too far.
"Same as last time.'' Zhan said as the other smiled and left making his heart flutter. He followed every action of him through his eyes didn't let his focus swindle even for a second. He couldn't remember when was the last time he was this happy but he knew it was way too long since then.

He'd always used to think his happiness is cursed for some reason god knows why. And now it proved it even more. From his peripheral vision he caught a glimpse of an awfully familiar figure entering the cafe. It didn't take Zhan too long to realise it was his own father. For Zhan's luck he was in a call so he didn't notice him yet.

Zhan stood up immediately and knowing going to the door is way too much of a risk of getting caught, He decided to flee to the washroom. He wasn't looking properly as he bumped into someone causing whatever in his hand to fall down as well with a loud glass breaking sound. It didn't take Zhan more than few seconds to realise it was the captivating staff member he had bumped on to and it was his own drink that had entirely spilled on the other as well. Without thinking twice Zhan grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him to the washroom with him.

He locked the door from behind and heaved a sigh in relief.
"It's creepy when you lock the door like this. after dragging me here'' Zhan heard him say teasingly.
"I'm so sorry that your clothes are ruined because of me. Here let me wipe it off for you.'' Zhan said taking out bunch of tissues from the dispenser and wiping the lean body with them. Zhan was too busy to notice the taken aback expression of shock of the other who staid frozen till Zhan finish. He almost didn't put back and held the breath he drew in while Zhan decided to think it was just his delusion that he heard the pretty barista's heartbeat drumming inside of him.

"I know its not completely dried yet but I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't mean it.'' Zhan said apologising profusely. For a moment Zhan concluded that he saw the most ethereal smile of the universe. There was a different from the usual smile he gave to everyone including him. Almost resembling a certain smile in the past, A smile he know he wiped off of its face by himself.

"It's fine. But mind explaining your reason to hide here in a hurry?'' Zhan rubbed his neck unable to explain his situation. Though a part of him wanted tell the truth he thought it might be weird. So he went back to the door and unlocked it to see whether Mr Xiao had left the premises. Seeing the surroundings clear, Zhan looked back at the confused male and muttered an apology before running away.


"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday my dear Bo di, Happy birthday to you!'' Zhan cheered happily for Yibo who was looking at Zhan with a huge grin. He was turning ten years old today and they had come to corner of the huge backyard of the orphanage, secretly from everyone. It was their private birthday party Zhan specially threw for Yibo.

"What are you waiting for? Blow the candles!'' Zhan said impatiently holding the muffin with an old candle stuck into it he managed to sneak today while he was cleaning the kitchen.
Zhan watched with a smile as Yibo blew out the ignited candle and making a wish while closing his eyes. If he was able to read the other's mind he would've never made that rash decision which he is going to make in near future.

"Done.'' Yibo said smiling widely but soon his smile broadened even more seeing a gift in the hands of his gege, who held it towards him. It wasn't something big, but rather a drawing of Yibo which Zhan had drawn during midnight. Yibo was about to thank his Zhan ge for the gift but a screeching voice made them shot their heads towards the direction in fear. The muffin was already long abounded at the floor by the shaky hands of Zhan. Unlike him Yibo was determined to not let the woman ruin the precious gift. So he hid it behind his back as she stormed towards them in anger.

"You worthless boy when did I give permission for you to keep messing around here when we have a whole building to clean up huh?'' She lashed out while harshly grabbing the back hair of Zhan.

"Ahh! Ahh I-I'm sorry ma'am.'' Zhan said wincing as she started dragging him back inside. Drops of tears had already fallen down from his eyes due to the pain. He had just finished cleaning the plates in the kitchen and his hands were yet to be healed from the pain of over exhaustion. But he was thrown harshly back inside the hall with a piece of clothe to start dusting amidst the wailings of his didi begging the lady to let Zhan go.

He harshly wiped his tears and started doing the work promising himself to not let his didi be in pain by seeing him cry. He ignored his hurting wrists and continued his work as Yibo was forced to be by his side unable to help him rather than just stand there helplessly. Because one time he had pulled the dusting brush from Zhan forcedly and had been doing the work when the owning woman came back raged. She had found a belt from somewhere and had abused the back of Zhan until blood oozed out. The reason? For shoving his work share on a younger child.

Yibo stared at Zhan who's wiping the glass like he wasn't whining about his hurting hands just morning. His eyes were yet dripping with tear by tear on his reddened cheeks. He hated feeling helpless. Finally he had enough and took the clothe from Zhan when he wasnt paying attention and started wiping instead.

"Bo di! Give it to me.'' Zhan said trying to get it back from the stubborn younger.

"I know you're hands are hurting so let me just do it.'' Yibo said between hiccups and wiping the glass within the height he could reach.

"Bo bo stop crying first.'' Zhan said chuckling at his cute didi. Yibo glared at Zhan which made him laugh even harder. Eventually making Yibo stop crying too seeing Zhan smile.


Am I boring yall?

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