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Zhan was coming back home from his afternoon lecture when he suddenly wanted to go to a washroom. When he looked up from the pavement to look at his surroundings, he noticed he' ve never even seen these buildings and shops before. Reason? Well he had accustomed himself to a routine of walking while looking at the pavement blocks so that he wouldn't have to control himself from going into a random shop or the desire to eat a street food he fancied.

Exactly there was hundred and five steps from his collage to the Xiao residence. You might be wondering why the hell he wouldn't go in some fancy car with a driver like any other rich kid would do. But Zhan hated going from car and then coming back in the same freaking car to the point he thought he'd die from living with such pre-organised, all the same routines. At least he gets to walk around hearing other people's voices, how they just ramble about anything in the streets. Except the deafening silence of inside the car and as well as in the house.

So at his seventy sixth step Zhan looked up because of his dire situation. He saw a cafe left to his side. "Mello" it said in the sign board of the building. Zhan forced back down his dry chuckle realising he'd never seen such a place even after walking around here for two years.

He went inside as the foreign sound of a bell erupted the moment he stepped in. He glanced around nervously before choosing the farthermost seat of the place. He had already forgotten about the sole reason he had come here for as he was busy looking out at the busy people on the road, just going on with their lives.

He had been living inside of a well for a long time he had forgotten how to actually live like a human except like a caged animal. If it were a normal person they'd already objected against the metal bars set by someone forceful upon them. But in Zhan's case he had willingly accepted his fate and didn't bother to do anything against it. Oh well just reminded me of my pathetic life.

He was far lost in thoughts to realise there was a person standing next to his table. So when there was a sudden tap in his shoulder, he flinched and shot his head other side to see who it was. Then he was suddenly staring at a dazzling bartender with widened eyes unable to release his inhaled breath.

A mouth watering milkshake stood in front of him which he paid less attention than the person who bought it.

"I-I didn't order it" He stuttered when a smile stretched out on the reddish lips of the stranger.

"I know but I thought it might do some help after looking at you staring outside for sometime." He heard the voice, yes. But Zhan was left breathless by the attractive deep voice of the stranger to reply to that.

With a smile the bartender left the table making Zhan's heart go berserk in an instant.

Zhan almost couldn't peel his eyes off as he watched him jog to different tables and serve them the same smile he was served. Zhan wasn't jealous of course. (He thinks bruh)

It was too late when the real Sousa toon hits him. He didn't bought any money! He glanced at his halfway emptied milkshake and back at the angel looking bartender.

Shit shit shit! How dumb can I even be?

As if sensing Zhan's desperate situation the bartender himself came back with a playful grin.
"I didn't bring my purse, I'm so sorry I'll pay you back tomorrow." Zhan implored making the other stifle a laugh.

"Its on the house don't worry." He said easing Zhan's worry. Yet he was still guilty at some extent.

Then without a word he almost glided back to his work ignoring Zhan's pair of eyes. He didn't even look back at Zhan when he left.


"It's raining.." A saddened voice eurepted making Zhan partly glare at the younger.
"Wow I thought it was snowing, thanks for enlightening me" Yibo glared back at his sarcasm. For the few months they've been together both of them had changed drastically. Prominent change was that Yibo was no longer acting shy and laid back with Zhan like he did though he was still the same in front of strangers.

"Zhan ge can we go out in the rain...?" Yibo asked already knowing the answer.
"No...yes." Zhan suddenly grinned with the new idea he had. "Want to make some paper boats?" Zhan suggested while standing up from his bed and taking out the only note book he had. He taught the younger how to make paper boats while other children were busy shouting and playing inside. "What's the point of making these ge? We aren't allowed to go out." Instead of replying Zhan smirked and grabbed Yibo by wrist, dragging him away from the back door to the back yard.

It was already raining heavily as the ground was covered with muddy puddles. Their disappearance were not to be discovered until lunch time which Zhan was sure. So amidst the cold water droplets already wetting them wven if they were inside the building, they leaped off to the showers of rain with broadened smiles.

"Here gege! Let's keep them there." Yibo excitedly said while running off to a small stream of muddy water before keeping it there.
"Aish you weren't supposed to keep it there yet." Zhan muttered seeing the boat getting soaked by water due to heavy rain and eventually loosing its boat form.

Yibo looked back at Zhan with a pout as their hard work in ruins. But soon Zhan diverted his attention by stripping off a banana leaf from a near by tree. "What are you going to do?" Curious Yibo asked as Zhan bought it and lifted it above them as a shield of splattering rain. "You ran off before I could get us a one and now we are soaking wet."

"Would they hit you again now gege?" And right then they heard the sound of the bell. They both stared at each other in panic before running back inside. They waited until all the children leave to the lunch hall before sneaking into a washroom.
"They won't if I get a proper lie made up in few minutes."


Zhan recalled past while staring at the down pouring rain. His guilt resurfaced as he thought of how a single action had made his entire life and well as possibly the life of his beloved into shambles. Not that he didn't have any assumptions of Yibo having an luxurious life somewhere not even bothering to reminisce about an ignorant brother he had few years ago at an orphanage.

But yet a tiniest place inside his mind believed that somewhere he might be thinking of him as well looking at the same rain like him.


Since most people wanted this here ya go~
I will no matter what update before five days the next chap!!!
Last but not least , I love yall <3333
Btw don't forget to tell me ur thoughts tho-

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