Just the Gru of us

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I was always very shy. Always one of the quiet kids. The last picked for dodgeball. The girl who sat alone to eat lunch. Alone, with nobody to understand me. My yellow hair that I dyed over the summer by accident cause I meant to use pink, my circular silver glasses, and my overalls were never really appealing to people. This often bothered me as a young child because I realized that it would be difficult for me to make friends. But as I got older, I realized how difficult it would be for me to find love. 

It was just a regular Monday afternoon. Time for lunch. Another day of sitting alone, reading, eating my PB & J sandwich. I am indeed allergic to peanuts, berries, sugar, and gluten, but my mom often forgets that. I like the rush. 

As I'm reading and feeling my throat tingle and lips burn a little but, I hear a commotion coming from the other side of the lunchroom. The jocks, great. They were laughing, horsing around. except instead of neighing in a circle as one would expect when someone says "Horsing around", they were being loud and pushing each other. I knew they were going to come up to me. They always love to make fun of me. I mean hey, I'm the quiet girl. This is just the life that I asked for.

I can hear the jocks voices getting closer and closer by the second, but I don't want to turn around, give them the attention that they crave. Instead, I continue reading until i feel them all hovering over me. Except one shadow really caught my eye. It was huge and dark, shaped like an upside-down triangle. I saw the shadow of skinny legs and scrawny arms, and a circular head unproportionally to the rest of his body. I knew this shadow well. This was a shadow I have seen many times before...


"Hello quiet gorl!" Gru said in a taunting voice. "I have a name!" I said, annoyed. Gru could never call me by my name. It reminded him to much of- well, nevermind that. 

I look up at Gru and I could feel myself blushing. Our eyes met, and I saw his beautiful blue eyes. His glistening bald head. His pointy nose. His tiny ears, with a small diamond earring on it that I had pierced his ear with when, well, when we were together. 

Yeah... me and Gru... we have a past. 

Do I wish I was still with Gru? Maybe I do. Maybe I miss how we used to use his bald head as a whiteboard. Maybe I miss us watching Dirty Dancing on his scary couch. And heck, maybe I miss going on double dates, us with Dr. Nafario and Agnes. but we'll never be able to do that ever again. Gru has a new girlfriend. Her name is Lucy. She's tall, always wears a blue dress and a weird scarf, and has a lipstick tazer that never manages to Impress Gru. 

Gru finally broke our eye contact. You could see it in his eyes that he felt the same way. Nonetheless, he continued making fun of me. My overalls. My yellow hair. My circular silver glasses. This happens every day, it just gives Gru an excuse to talk to me. "Hey boys," Gru says to the other jocks. "Why don't you leave us alone, will ya?" The jocks leave and Gru turns his chair around and sits in it backwards like a cool uncle of some sort.

"I'm having a party at my house tonight," Gru said, looking around to make sure nobody was looking at us. He slid me an invitation. A party? At his house? So he wants to keep our relationship secret because he was embarrassed, date Lucy just to get revenge when I dump him because I didn't want our love to hide, and now he's inviting me to his house for a party? Oh please.

"Pweese come," Gru says, making a pouty lip and touching his two index fingers together. "It will be fun."

I thought about it for a moment. This could be my time... my time to show Gru who I really am. Me when I'm at my prettiest. At a party. He's gonna regret ever even looking at Lucy.

"Yeah... why not?" I say. I knew this was gonna be my time. 

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