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(best read in dark mode)

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(best read in dark mode)
. . .

   A few years later, [Name] walked  through the swampy lanes of her home. After all of her time of being here, she still has yet to get used to the views of Cântec. When she got here, she went through a lot, learning how to help lead a civilization, and most of all, the customs and knowledge of this world.

Walking through the makeshift path of rocks, [Name] spots a clearing.

'Should I start learning how to use my swords?'

[Name] inspects the swords a little and gives one of them an experimental swing.

'These are pretty light! Although, they kind of look like preformance swords they are kind of sharp too. Great for fast moves in combat. I'm just glad I did a couple of preformaces with swords in my past life.'

[Name] closes her eyes, focusing on remembering the steps for one of her old preformances. She took a step forward and stretched out her right hand. Moving the sword in a small circle in front of her, her left hand stretches out to her side. Just as her right hand stops, her eyes open and her left hand swings out the sword in front of her. [Name]'s movements are nothing short of elegant and meticulous. She picks up her pace in her dangerous dance with blades.

Her blades, long and thin, shine brightly whenever the light catches their reflection. Sweat drips down [Name]'s face but she does not stop her preformance.

"Ce faci?" Startled by the voice, she turns around to find the fish, she skids to a stop and drops the swords with a smalll yelp.

[Translation - Romanian English: What are you doing?]

"Încerc să mă antrenez cu săbiile mele." [Name] replied.

[Translation - Romanian English: Trying to train with my swords.]

"De ce? Vrei să te lupți cu cineva?"

[Translation - Romanian English: Why? Do you wish to fight someone?]

"Nu, doresc să pot proteja zona în care locuiesc. Ai făcut atât de multe pentru mine, intenționez să răsplătesc această favoare." The [h/c] haired girl replies with a soft smile on her face.

[Translation - Romanian English: No, I wish to be able to protect the area in which I reside. You have done so much for me, I intend to repay that favor.]

"Înțeleg. Nu trebuie să ne răsplătiți, pentru că ne-ați tratat cu atâta bunătate." Mihai, the fish, replies, a bubble flowing out of his mouth. [Name] developed a sort of parental relationship with Mihai. She has also learned how he shows his emotions. A bubble or two means he is happy, a lot of bubbles and a spin mean he is excited, his voice gets monotone when he's angry, and when he is tired his fins slow down a little and he stops talking as much as he normally does. A question, however, falls out of her mouth before she can stop it.

[Translation - Romanian English: I see. You need not repay us, as you have been treating us with such kindness.]

"De ce nu am ieșit niciodată la suprafață? Este... Nu este sigur?"

[Translation - Romanian English: Why have we never gone to the surface though? Is it... Not safe?]

Mihai sighed. "E în regulă să pleci. Dar nu se poate spune despre evenimentele care se pot întâmpla atunci când nu ești aici. Creaturi periculoase pândesc afară, iar Suveranii și Dragin King s-ar putea să nu te lase în pace."

[Translation - Romanian English: It's okay to go. But there's no telling the events that can happen when you're not here. Dangerous creatures lurk outside, and the Sovereigns and Dragin King might not leave you alone.]

"Suveranii sunt legați de pământurile lor. Dacă nu-i provoc, nu-mi vor face nimic." [Name] retorts. Mihai floats in silence, seemingly pondering over [Name]'s statement. another sigh bubbles out of him. He replies,

[Translation - Romanian English: The Sovereigns are bound to their lands. If I don't challenge them, they won't do anything to me. ]

"Poți ieși în curând, dar numai după ce învți cum să te protejezi cu acele săbii ale tale. Dacă înveți corect, te vei protejezi dacă se întâmplă ceva cu lumea de suprafață."

[Translation - Romanian English: You can go out soon, but only after you learn how to protect yourself with those swords of yours. If learning correctly, you will be to protect yourself if anything does happen to the surface world. ]

With a newfound motivation, [Name] picks up the swords she dropped and thanks Mihai with a grin. She continues to train with her dual swords. Mihai can only hope she learns well and floats away, leaving her to hone her abilities.

"Trebuie să fii în siguranță. Dacă treci, nu se știe ce se poate întâmpla în viitor. Soarta are un plan foarte important pentru tine."

[Translation - Romanian English: You must be safe. If you pass, there is no telling what may happen in the future. Fate has a very important plan for you.]

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Finnally figured out the lore... I placed [Name] in the VERY beginning of Teyvat's horror story... Get ready ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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