Truth or Dare?

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~ At the hall...

Harry took mic and went on stage.. Everybody cheered.. cmon he is popular in this story and also in real life..."Okayy guys!!.. We know that we will have an event so soon. Its our responsibility to make this event succesfull. Due to some reasons the event may halt. Why do we take a chance?? Lets make our event together on our own..Will you do that???" Harry annouced..

"Yeahhh!". Crowd scremed. "Will you make this event succesfull with me?" harry screamed. "Yeahh!" The crowd also screamed with harry.

"Alright the juniour 2B students will take care of stage and seating.. and 2A students will take care of food and entertainment. Girls of 2A and B will take care of decoration. 1A and 1B students will pack gifts and ,Our class will recevie guests and administrate the event ." Harry explained all the students were pin drop silient...

( au : God!!!! Not only in ff but he could make the whole stadium silent... Like, styles the power you hold on people... Anyway lets go back to story. )

"Any doubts?" harry asked. everyone said no... "If you have, The details were given to louis and naill. And that's it, love you guys lets meet at event" harry said and got off from the stage.

"Naill supervise the 1A and B and lou you got 2A and B" harry insisted.
" Ok.. got it " naill said and stopped."Wait.. when was the event?? " Naill questioned. "We dont have lot of time .Go to your section make a list of things to be needed order them. And same thing to you lou" harry hurried. "After the work lets meet our place" Harry said and left.

( Au: I don't know about the event management and stuff, so ignore if there's mistake)

H pov~

I announced and divided the work to all the students and i left from there. I know you guys were angry with me because i didn't pay attention to anyone at the cafe... This is what I am doing.. Dividing the work to students, ordering the materials for the event. See, i am being responsible...

Au : Ok ok styles, i agree , you are responsible yet rude styles... Now get back to story curly, our readers are waiting....

I finished my speech and before i leave i said to those two cracks to meet at our common place.

~At club

"Eyy my bro...... All the materials were arrived and only thing is to setup them, Thats gonna take a day" Lou said while having a seat.. "Thanks bro for supporting me" Harry said smiling at both of them. " Awww! cmon its not a big deal.. " Lou said. They started to drink.

" Bro lets play truth or dare " Naill asked out of nowhere..... "What???No we are not  kids." Harry mumbled."Cmon, Its just a game, why dont you agree to play a game??" Naill argued..

"We all know, all the secrets about us naill. What's the use of this game??" lou questioned. "Nahh mate!! we should have to play this game" naill demanded.

" Cmon harry, you say we were best friends and you never listen to me atlea-..." Naill started to fake cry... "Okk ok dont start drama now.. I will join in the game" harry cutoff him.

"Alright I will spin the bottle first those who choose truth once defineatly should choose dare the next." Naill explained and spined the bottle it halted at him.. poor nailler. Two of them were controling their laughs. "Sh!t, truth ofcourse", naill mumbled.

"Alright naill who is  amanda??"  Lou smrinked. "H- How do you know about her???" Naill shocked."I have my ways nailler" lou smirked. Thats a bit creepy mr. tommo....

"Since when did you have secrets from us???" Harry joined with lou. "Noo, No secrects at all, i still don't know what we are.... I didn't figure it out." naill said his cheeks were red in colour. "Wow nailler?? Tell us the story??" lou suprised.

"Only one question mate!" Naill sassed and lou lightly punch him in chest.

Again the bottle spinned and halted before harry "Truth" Harry said.

" We know everything about you, there is no use of truth. Yettt! , I am giving a chance.. When was the event??" naill asked and lou confused. "Thats the only thing i wanted to know from morning" He said to lou..

" In three days." H said in low vocie.

"Every timee.... Every fu*cking time you always give me a mini heart attack" naill screamed.. " That's why, I didn't tell you because of this..." H replied.. The bottle stopped at lou

" To spice up the game i am gonna choose dare.." lou said confidently..  

{ Au:  Bravo tommo! Atleast one of them aren't boring.

* Harry Gives a deadly glare to author *

Au : Ok Ok! I take back my words... Jesus!! }

"Woah bro.. I am proud of you.. So the dare is....Hangout with our principal's daughter for a day just after the event.. and dont get caught"Naill winked. "Not a bad one." lou responded. This time the bottle halted at harry and he had no choice to pick dare..

~H pov

S!hit it was my trun.. I can see the evil smirk on their faces.. I know they will force me do something which i hate. I have no choice, I had to choose dare now."Waiting for this moment..." Naill roared with evil laugh. ( Author: Me too nailler...., Readers: Me too... President: Me too.....,  Universe : Me too....  )

"Its not like i am gonna agree with every shit you tell me to do" I insisted. " First listen to the dare and i am not gonna force you to sleep with random girls... ok." naill assured.

"Remember last time we asked you to go through a dating app?, now you are going to do it. You got  no CHONCE  either u go through a dating app or making out with random girl..Your choice harry" naill winked at lou. I was taken back a bit. I dont like these kind of things and i had no choice either. My mind got blank, in the mean time naill opened an app and gave the phone to me.


Harry hesitated to take the phone and naill grabbed his hand and tucked the mobile in his hands.

naill: "Dont worry mate. I know you. Here, Take this bluetooth and i will tell what you have say.."

naill gave the bud to harry and he have one. He gone a bit far from harry and observed him.

naill: " And.. One of the most important thing is...Simile.. You shouldn't have a face with no smile . Smile and look into her eyes and be confident bro.. you got
this." harry rolls his eyes. He is so done that it takes a lot of time to connect a call. Harry's eyes widened and his breath hitched when it was finally connected the call..


Authors note : Who's on the call maybe elena.... who knows???? ... Andddd, That's it guys!!! . I started to write this story a bit different and started to improve my writing... If you like this don't forget to vote guys.. Sooo byeee..  TPWK you people...

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